

我正在尝试在Java Swing应用程序中编写一个简单的动画或物理示例.我已经打开并正在运行实际的Windows应用程序,但是我无法弄清楚如何实际绘制形状,以及如何格式化框架之间用于计算的代码,诸如此类.

I'm attempting to code a simple animation or physics example in a Java Swing application. I have the actual windows application open and working, but I can't figure out how to actually draw my shapes, and how I'd format the code for calculations between frames, that sort of stuff.


I've read some stuff about over riding a paint method, but I don't know what that means, and I don't believe I'm using it in the code I'm using right now. This is my code:

public class Physics extends JFrame{

public Physics() {


private void initUI() {
    JPanel panel = new JPanel();


    final JLabel label = new JLabel("Hi, press the button to do something");
    label.setBounds(20, 0, 2000, 60);

    final JButton submitButton = new JButton("Start");
    submitButton.setBounds(20, 150, 80, 20);
    submitButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            //Put button code here later


    setSize(300, 250);

public static void main(String[] args) {
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            Physics ex = new Physics();



So I have some blank space above my button where I'd like to draw maybe a square or circle moving across the screen to start off with, once I get that down I can start getting into the more advanced stuff. Any hints on how to do that would be appriciated :D




So you've overridden actionPerformed, so you know what an @Override is. As you'll notice from the ActionListener, you never actually explicitly call actionPerformed, but whatever you put in the there, still get's used. That's because the ActionListener implicitly call it for you.


The same is true with painting. In the Swing painting process, there is a paint chain that Swing uses to paint components. Along the way paint is called somewhere. So just like actionPerformed, you can override paint and it will get implicitly called for you.

public void paint(Graphics g) {

传递给该方法的Graphics对象是Swing将用于绘画的图形上下文.您可以查看 Graphics API 查看您可以使用的方法.您可以使用 drawOval 画一个圆

The Graphics object passed to the method is the graphics context that Swing will use for the painting. You can look at the Graphics API to see the methods you can use. You can use drawOval to draw a circle

public void paint(Graphics g) {
    g.drawOval(x, y, width, height);


Now here's the thing. You don't actually want to override paint. In the tutorials linked above, some of the examples will use applets and override paint, but you shouldn'y paint on top level containers like JFrame or JApplet. Instead paint on a JPanel or JComponent and just add it the JFrame. When you do paint on JPanel or JComponent, you'll instead override paintComponent (which also gets called along the paint chain), instead of paint

protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    g.drawOval(x, y, width, height);

您会看到我如何在drawOval方法中使用变量. x是屏幕顶部的x位置,y和y点. widthheight是圆的宽度和高度.使用变量的好处是可以在运行时更改它们的值.

You see how I used variables for the drawOval method. The x is the x location from the top-let of the screen, and y and the y point. width and height are width and height of the circle. The great thing about using variables is that their values can be changed at runtime.

那就是动画播放的地方.如所指出的,您使用 javax.swing.Timer

That's where the animation comes to play. As pointed out, you an use a javax.swing.Timer


public Timer(int delay, ActionListener listener) {


The delay is the milliseconds to delay each call to the listener. The listener will have your actionPerformed call back that will do what's inside, every delay milliseconds. So what you can do, is just change the x from the drawOval and repaint(), and it will animate. Something like

Timer timer = new Timer(40, new ActionListener(){
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        x += 5;


The timer code you can just put in the constructor. That's probably simplest explanation I can give. Hope it helps.

别忘了看到自定义绘画 Grapics2D 有关图形的更多高级主题.另请参见此处和和此处和和此处

Don't forget the to see Custom Painting and Grapics2D for more advance topics on graphics. Also see some example of timers and animation here and here and here and here and here


Also avoid using null layouts. See Laying out Components Within a Container to learn how to use layout managers, as should be done with Swing apps.


08-23 11:56