我有一个 NavigationController
连接到SettingsViewController".当我尝试转到 SettingsViewController 时,出现以下错误:
I have a NavigationController
, root view controller called "ViewController" and a second view controller called "SettingsViewController". I have a segue to the "SettingsViewController" from "ViewController" which worked until I tried to connect a UITextField
called "usernameField" to the "SettingsViewController" by means of Reference Outlet. When I did I got the following error whenever I try to go to the SettingsViewController:
*** 由于未捕获的异常NSUnknownKeyException"而终止应用,原因:[<_TtC6mayfly22SettingsViewController 0x15e72af0> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]:此类不符合键值编码的键 usernameField.'
When I googled the error, most people said that it was caused by a reference outlet that got deleted in code but not in storyboard, or something along those lines, however I have thoroughly checked and have tried remaking the text box numerous times. What could I be doing wrong that could be causing this error?
通过清理应用程序并重建它来解决这个问题.产品 > 清理或 Shift + Command + K
Solve this problem by cleaning app and rebuilding it. Product > Clean or Shift + Command + K