本文介绍了如何将mmenu jQuery插件与ReactJS和Meteor集成的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



So here we are, innovating with Meteor and ReactJS. This is what i did:

  1. 在我的client/lib/js/文件夹中复制了mmenu jQuery插件.
  2. 创建了一个名为Menu的组件,该组件在componentDidMount方法中具有 mmenu 插件初始化.
  3. 将React Menu放置在我的Layout组件中,因此这是检查树时React树在Chrome中的外观:

  1. Copied the mmenu jQuery plugin inside my client/lib/js/ folder.
  2. Created a component called Menu which has the mmenu plugin initialization in the componentDidMount method.
  3. Placed the React Menu in my Layout component, so this how the React tree looked in Chrome when inspected:

<Layout> <Menu user={this.data.user} /> <Home /></Layout>

<Layout> <Menu user={this.data.user} /> <Home /></Layout>

问题是,当呈现Menu组件时, mmenu 插件移动在React范围之外的相应DOM(nav元素)(仅在下面) body标记),因此当user对象(作为道具传递)更改时,React尝试重新渲染该组件时,React会感到困惑.

Problem is, when the Menu component renders, the mmenu plugin moves the corresponding DOM (the nav element) outside of React scope (just bellow the body tag), so React get confused when referencing that unexistent component when it tries to re-render it when user object (passed as props) changes.


Menu = React.createClass({
        const menu = $(this.refs['mmenu']);
        menu.mmenu({ /* some options here */ });
        <nav id="menu" ref="mmenu">
            { this.props.user ? <HomePublic/> : <HomePrivate/> }


As you can see, when invoking menu.mmenu() function, the plugin moves the nav element to the body, which looks like this:

  <nav ...> </nav>
  <div id="react-root"> ... </div>


So my question is: Is there a way to do this so React can re-render the component without errors?


答案是,在使用React时,根本不要使用jQuery(和插件).因为React处理它的虚拟DOM. jQuery Mmenu操纵Real DOM,因此这不能一起使用,React不适用于jQuery.

The answer is, not to use jQuery at all (and the plugins), when you are using React. Because React Handles its Virtual DOM. jQuery Mmenu manipulates the Real DOM, so this will not work together and React it is not designed to work with jQuery.


Check out, if there is a already a ReactComponent, which you could use to solve you task. Otherwise, if you really depend on jQuery, you are maybe better with Blaze (in terms of Meteor)

这篇关于如何将mmenu jQuery插件与ReactJS和Meteor集成的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 16:26