I need to recognise numbers from the camera image on iPhone, in real-time. I know there will be no more than 5 digits on the image.
有没有人有使用Tesseract OCR库的经验,您认为可以通过使用它来解决吗?
Is this problem realistic to solve given the computational specifications of the iPhone?Does anyone have any experience using the Tesseract OCR library, and do you think it could be solved by using it?
取决于你对实时的定义,但是,应该可以相对快速地识别iPhone 4上的数字0-9,特别是如果你可以使用字体,光照条件等那么它们将出现在。
The depends on your definition of "real-time", but yes, it should be possible to do relatively fast recognition of just the digits 0-9 on an iPhone 4, particularly if you can fonts, lighting conditions, etc. that they will appear in.
我强烈建议您阅读中,我使用iPhone 4的GPU进行简单的图像处理时,速度提高了14倍 - 28倍。虽然目前很少有人关注这一点,但像Sudoku Grab的神经网络这样的东西应该是一个足够平行的过程,可以在GPU上运行。
For even better performance, I believe that there's a lot of potential in the programmable GPUs on the newer iOS devices. In my benchmarks, I saw a 14X - 28X speedup when using the iPhone 4's GPU for simple image processing. While few people are looking at this right now, something like Sudoku Grab's neural network should be a parallel enough process to benefit from running on the GPU.