br /> 我的工作站上有XP和运行服务器2003的两台服务器。 我在所有3上都有sql server dev版本,但我的只有VS.NET 工作站。 我在所有3台机器上都有.NET framework 1.1。 我可以与SQL Server实例连接/交互得很好使用EM,查询分析器和VS.NET服务器资源管理器的服务器。 然而,我在我的工作站上连接到SQL Server的页面 两台服务器中的任何一台都无法正常工作。如果我使用完全相同的页面 并在任一服务器上运行它们,它们工作正常。 我得到的错误是例外细节: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException:SQL Server不存在或访问 被拒绝。我强烈怀疑这是一个安全问题,但我不知道如何解决它。我已经(按照其他帖子)给了所有sql server实例的用户名 ASPNET和NETWORK SECURITY广泛的权限, 但我仍然无法运行我的工作站上连接的网页。这是令人愤怒的。帮助! 看看我最新的连接字符串(因为我知道你们中的一些人会想要 来看它... ;-) Dim MyConnection As New SqlConnection(" server = testserver; uid = test; pwd = pass; database = adp") 我试过了使用IP代替服务器名称和所有。我确实认为这是一个不起眼的安全问题...Judging from the sheer number of posts on this topic, I''m sensing thisis a fairly common problem. Only problem is, I''ve tried just aboutevery recommendation in all the posts I''ve found thus far and none haveworked.I have XP on my workstation and two servers that run server 2003.I have sql server dev edition on all 3, but only VS.NET on myworkstation.I have .NET framework 1.1 on all 3 machines.I can connect/interact just fine with the SQL Server instances on bothservers using EM, Query Analyzer, and VS.NET "server explorer."However, pages I make on my workstation that connect to SQL Server oneither of the two servers fail to work. If I take the EXACT same pagesand run them on either server, they work fine.The error I get is "Exception Details:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: SQL Server does not exist or accessdenied." I strongly suspect that this is a security issue, but I don''tknow how to resolve it. I''ve given (as per other posts) the usernamesASPNET and NETWORK SECURITY broad rights on all sql server instances,yet still I can''t run a webpage on my workstation that connects. It''sinfuriating. Help!Behold my latest connection string (since I know some of you will wantto see it anyways... ;-)Dim MyConnection As NewSqlConnection("server=testserver;uid=test;pwd=pass ;database=adp")I''ve tried using IP''s in place of the server name and all. I trulythink this is some obscure security issue...推荐答案" Roy" < RO ********** @>在新闻中写道:1114442786.921549.57350 @"Roy" <ro**********> wrote in news:[email protected]: SqlConnection(" server = testserver; uid = test; pwd = pass; database = adp") 我尝试用IP代替服务器名称等等。我真的认为这是一个不起眼的安全问题... SqlConnection("server=testserver;uid=test;pwd=pass ;database=adp") I''ve tried using IP''s in place of the server name and all. I truly think this is some obscure security issue... 尝试将SQL服务器端口号附加到地址(1433) 所以: SqlConnection(" server = testserver,1433; uid = test; pwd = pass; database = adp") 出于某种原因,我必须在工作中这样做......否则我无法连接... - Lucas Tam (RE******** 请删除删除来自回复时的电子邮件地址。 http://成员。尝试通过主机名或IP地址进行连接。 - TDAVISJR 又名 - Tampa.NET Koder " Roy" < RO ********** @>在消息中写道 news:11 ********************* @ f14g2000cwb.googlegro ...Try connecting via Hostname or IP address.--TDAVISJRaka - Tampa.NET Koder"Roy" <ro**********> wrote in messagenews:11*********************@f14g2000cwb.googlegro从这个主题的帖子数量来看,我感觉到这是一个相当普遍的问题。唯一的问题是,我已经尝试了迄今为止我找到的所有帖子中的每一条推荐都没有工作过。 我的XP上有XP工作站和运行服务器2003的两台服务器。我所有3上都有sql server dev版本,但我的工作站上只有VS.NET。我在所有3台机器上都有.NET framework 1.1 。 我可以使用EM,查询分析器和VS.NET服务器资源管理器与两台服务器上的SQL Server实例进行良好的连接/交互。但是,我在我的工作站上连接到SQL Server的页面两个服务器中的任何一个都无法正常工作。如果我使用完全相同的页面并在任一服务器上运行它们,它们都能正常工作。 我得到的错误是Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient。 SqlException:SQL Server不存在或访问被拒绝。我强烈怀疑这是一个安全问题,但我不知道如何解决它。我已经(根据其他帖子)给出了所有sql server实例上的用户名 ASPNET和NETWORK SECURITY的广泛权限,但我仍然无法在连接的工作站上运行网页。这真是令人愤怒。帮助! 看看我的最新连接字符串(因为我知道你们中的一些人还是希望看到它...... ;-) Dim MyConnection As New SqlConnection(server = testserver; uid = test; pwd = pass; database = adp) 我已经尝试使用IP代替服务器名称等等。我确实认为这是一个不起眼的安全问题... Judging from the sheer number of posts on this topic, I''m sensing this is a fairly common problem. Only problem is, I''ve tried just about every recommendation in all the posts I''ve found thus far and none have worked. I have XP on my workstation and two servers that run server 2003. I have sql server dev edition on all 3, but only VS.NET on my workstation. I have .NET framework 1.1 on all 3 machines. I can connect/interact just fine with the SQL Server instances on both servers using EM, Query Analyzer, and VS.NET "server explorer." However, pages I make on my workstation that connect to SQL Server on either of the two servers fail to work. If I take the EXACT same pages and run them on either server, they work fine. The error I get is "Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: SQL Server does not exist or access denied." I strongly suspect that this is a security issue, but I don''t know how to resolve it. I''ve given (as per other posts) the usernames ASPNET and NETWORK SECURITY broad rights on all sql server instances, yet still I can''t run a webpage on my workstation that connects. It''s infuriating. Help! Behold my latest connection string (since I know some of you will want to see it anyways... ;-) Dim MyConnection As New SqlConnection("server=testserver;uid=test;pwd=pass ;database=adp") I''ve tried using IP''s in place of the server name and all. I truly think this is some obscure security issue..." TDAVISJR" <一个******* @>在新闻中写道:OzCzeRbSFHA.996 @ TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl:"TDAVISJR" <an*******> wrote in news:[email protected]: 尝试通过主机名或IP地址进行连接。 你有没看过他的帖子? 我尝试用IP代替服务器名称等等。我真的认为这是一个不起眼的安全问题... Try connecting via Hostname or IP address.Did you even read his post? I''ve tried using IP''s in place of the server name and all. I truly think this is some obscure security issue... - Lucas Tam(RE **** **** 请删除删除来自回复时的电子邮件地址。 http://成员。 这篇关于古老的“SQL Server不存在”错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-07 01:19