

在Java应用程序中,我创建了返回 Either<A, B> 对象.

In my Java application I created methods that return Either<A, B> objects.

但是我真正使用的类型是Either<String, T>,即String始终是左类型参数,而右参数可以是任何类型.

However the type I really use is Either<String, T>, i.e. String is always the left type parameter, while the right parameter can be any type.

这是我正在使用的 functionaljava Either实现:

Here is the functionaljava Either implementation I am using:



public abstract class Either<A, B>


To make my code less verbose, I would like to create a generic class LeftAppliedEither<T>, which will represent an Either in which the left type parameter is set to be String.


public abstract class LeftAppliedEither<T> extends Either<String, T> {}



First, Either cannot be extended by me since its only constructor is defined as private.


Second, let's assume I have solved the first problem by simply copying Either's code into my code (let's call it MyEither) and removing the private constructor (and solving some minor compilation errors).


So I have the following class in my code:

package fj.data;

//import ....

public abstract class MyEither<A, B> {
    //  private MyEither() {
    //  }

    //the rest of the code is more or less like in the original Either



Still, I would have the following problem:


LeftAppliedEither<Integer> hello = LeftAppliedEither.left("hello");


MyEither<String,Integer> hello = LeftAppliedEither.left("hello");


Well, that defeats the whole reason I was making this change - I wanted not to be required to use in my code the generic type with two parameters, since specifying the left String is redundant.


Are there better and more elegant ways to achieve this, other than rewriting the whole LeftAppliedEither class?



What you are having here is a static method:

LeftAppliedEither<Integer> hello = LeftAppliedEither.left("hello");


This static method is not affected by inheritance. As you can see in the code, it brings its own generics. So inheritance does not help you here:

 * Construct a left value of either.
 * @param a The value underlying the either.
 * @return A left value of either.
public static <A, B> Either<A, B> left(final A a) {
    return new Left<A, B>(a);


So basically what you need do is to refactor the complete either-class to replace each "A" by a String and remove all "A" in the generic-parameters as shown in this example:

 * Construct a left value of either.
 * @param a The value underlying the either.
 * @return A left value of either.
public static <B> MyEither<B> left(final String a) {
    return new MyLeft<B>(a);


Unfortunately there is not much more what you can do (except the obvious, just write the "String" each time as mentioned in the comments. It may be redundant, but it also helps you clearly to understand the code. So I fell it is useful)


10-26 23:29