

我知道一个函数可以在 Python 中返回多个值.我想做的是将列表中的每个元素作为单独的返回值返回.这可以是任意数量的元素,具体取决于用户输入.我想知道是否有这样做的pythonic方式?

I know that it is possible for a function to return multiple values in Python. What I would like to do is return each element in a list as a separate return value. This could be an arbitrary number of elements, depending on user input. I am wondering if there is a pythonic way of doing so?

例如,我有一个函数将一对项目作为数组返回,例如,它将返回 [a, b].

For example, I have a function that will return a pair of items as an array, e.g., it will return [a, b].

但是,根据给定的输入,函数可能会产生多对,这将导致函数返回[[a, b], [c, d], [e, f]].相反,我希望它返回 [a, b], [c, d], [e, f]

However, depending on the input given, the function may produce multiple pairs, which will result in the function returning [[a, b], [c, d], [e, f]]. Instead, I would like it to return [a, b], [c, d], [e, f]


As of now, I have implemented a very shoddy function with lots of temporary variables and counts, and am looking for a cleaner suggestion.



有一个yield 语句与此用例完美匹配.

There is a yield statement which matches perfectly for this usecase.

def foo(a):
    for b in a:
        yield b


This will return a generator which you can iterate.

print [b for b in foo([[a, b], [c, d], [e, f]])


09-05 10:32