


When I run something like:

Prelude> cycle "ab"

我可以看到"ab"的无限印刷.要停止它,我只需使用 + .而且有效.

I can see an infinite printing of "ab". To stop it I just use +. And it works.


Prelude Data.List> nub $ cycle "ab"



  • 为什么会这样?
  • 如何停止此操作?


 Ubuntu: version 18.10  
 GHCi:   version 8.2.2



Great question! However, since How to abort execution in GHCI? already focuses on your second part, let's not repeat that here. Instead, let's focus on the first.


GHC optimizes loops aggressively. It optimizes them even further if there is no allocation that it's even a known bug:

如果遇到此问题,则可能需要使用 -fno-omit-yields (请参见 -f *:与平台无关的标志 ).此标志可确保在每个函数入口点插入屈服点(以牺牲一些性能为代价).

If you are hit by this, you may want to compile the affected module with -fno-omit-yields (see -f*: platform-independent flags). This flag ensures that yield points are inserted at every function entrypoint (at the expense of a bit of performance).

如果我们检查 -fomit-yields ,我们发现:

If we check -fomit-yields, we find:


告诉GHC在不执行分配时省略堆检查.虽然这可以将二进制文件大小提高5%左右,但这也意味着 在紧密的非分配循环中运行的线程不会被抢占 及时地. 如果始终能够打断很重要 这样的线程,您应该关闭此优化.还考虑 如果您关闭了此优化功能,则重新编译所有库 需要保证可中断性. [强调我的]

Tells GHC to omit heap checks when no allocation is being performed. While this improves binary sizes by about 5%, it also means that threads run in tight non-allocating loops will not get preempted in a timely fashion. If it is important to always be able to interrupt such threads, you should turn this optimization off. Consider also recompiling all libraries with this optimization turned off, if you need to guarantee interruptibility. [emphasis mine]

nub $ cycle "ab"是一个紧密的非分配循环,尽管last $ repeat 1是一个更明显的非分配示例.

nub $ cycle "ab" is a tight, non-allocating loop, although last $ repeat 1 is an even more obvious non-allocating example.


The "yield points enabled" is misleading: -fomit-yields is enabled by default. As the standard library is compiled with -fomit-yields, all functions in the standard library that lead to tight, non-allocating loops may show that behaviour in GHCi, as you never recompile them.


We can verify that with the following program:

-- Test.hs
myLast :: [a] -> Maybe a
myLast [x]    = Just x
myLast (_:xs) = myLast xs
myLast _      = Nothing

main = print $ myLast $ repeat 1


We can use to quit it if we run it in GHCi without compiling beforehand:

$ ghci Test.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( Test.hs, interpreted )
Ok, one module loaded.
*Main> :main            <pressing C-c after a while>


If we compile it and then rerun it in GHCi, it will hang:

$ ghc Test.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( Test.hs, Test.o )
Linking Test.exe ...

$ ghci Test.hs
Ok, one module loaded.
*Main> :main
<hangs indefinitely>


Note that you need -dynamic if you don't use Windows, as otherwise GHCi will recompile the source file. However, if we use -fno-omit-yield, we suddenly can quit again (in Windows).


We can verify that again with another small snippet:

Prelude> last xs = case xs of [x] -> x ; (_:ys) -> last ys
Prelude> last $ repeat 1


As ghci doesn't use any optimizations, it also doesn't use -fomit-yield (and therefore has -fno-omit-yield enabled). Our new variant of last doesn't yield the same behaviour as Prelude.last as it isn't compiled with fomit-yield.


Now that we know why this happens, we know that we will experience that behaviour throughout the standard library, as the standard library is compiled with -fomit-yield.


10-21 03:55