

我们正在谈论通过rsync部署网站。然而,在rsyncing期间,应用程序处于不一致的状态,因为某些文件可能已被同步,而其他文件仍然保留旧版本?人们如何处理这个问题?我猜,通过svn / git / cvs进行部署时,会出现同样的问题。我应该关闭网站,rsync,再次打开?或者人们只是忽略这种不一致的问题?

We are currently talking about deploying a website via rsync. However, during rsyncing the application is left in an inconsistent state, as some files may already be synced while others still are left with the old version right? How do people deal with this issue? I guess the same problem exists when deploying via svn/git/cvs. Should I just close the site, rsync, and open up again? Or do people simply ignore this inconsistency problem?


使用两步部署。 rsync到测试目录,最好是测试它,然后交换生产和测试部署。第一次这样做时,您可能没有即时的测试目录,但您可以通过简单的rsync-ing从生产到测试来解决这个问题。

Use a two-step deployment. rsync to a test directory, ideally test it, then swap the production and test deployments around. The first time you do this, you might not have a ready-to-go test directory, but you can fix this by simply rsync-ing from production to test.


10-10 18:34