本文介绍了如何使用 MyBatis 调用返回 BOOLEAN 的函数?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用 MyBatis 调用 PL SQL 数据库中的函数.该函数的 OUT 参数之一为 BOOLEAN,如下所示:

i'm using MyBatis to call a function in a PL SQL database. The function have one of the OUT parameter as BOOLEAN like this:

FUNCTION f_foo_function(foo IN VARCHAR, foo_output OUT BOOLEAN, error OUT VARCHAR2)

我的问题是当我尝试从我的 xml 映射器调用该函数时,我所做的每次尝试 mybatis 都无法识别布尔输出并抛出我和不兼容类型之类的错误.此外,当我尝试从 PLSQL Developer 测试该功能时,它会进行这样的转换:pout_boolean_result := sys.diutil.bool_to_int(pout_boolean_result);并将布尔值返回给我.

My problem is when i try to call the function from my xml mapper, every try i do mybatis don't recognize the boolean output and throw me and error like incompatible types. Also when i try to test the function from PLSQL Developer it make a convertion like this:pout_boolean_result := sys.diutil.bool_to_int(pout_boolean_result);and return me the boolean as a bit.

是否可以忽略该整数并指定 MyBatis 将输出视为布尔值?我该怎么做?

我的 xml 是这样的:

My xml is something like this:

<select id="getFooFunction" statementType="CALLABLE">
        {#{result, mode=OUT, jdbcType=INTEGER} = call f_foo_function
            #{foo, mode=IN, jdbcType=VARCHAR},
            #{foo_output, mode=OUT, jdbcType=DOUBLE},
            #{error, mode=OUT, jdbcType=VARCHAR}



To test it, I defined the function as follows.

create or replace function f_foo_function(
  foo in varchar,
  foo_output out integer,
  error out varchar2
) return integer is
    foo_output := 1;
    error := 'No error';
  return 99;

foo_output 被定义为 INTEGER 因为 BOOLEAN 如 APC 指出的那样无效.

foo_output is defined as INTEGER as BOOLEAN is invalid as APC pointed out.

mapper 方法定义为...

The mapper method is defined as...

void getFooFunction(FooFuncParam param);


public class FooFuncParam {
  private Integer result;
  private String foo;
  private boolean fooOutput;
  private String error;
  // getters/setters


<update id="getFooFunction" statementType="CALLABLE">
  {#{result,jdbcType=INTEGER,mode=OUT} = call f_foo_function(

注意 javaType 是指定将 INTEGER 转换为 boolean.
如果函数将 0 设置为 foo_output,则 false 设置为 FooFuncParam.fooOutput.非零值意味着 true.如有必要,您可以编写自定义类型处理程序来更改行为.

Note that javaType is specified to convert INTEGER to boolean.
If the function sets 0 to foo_output, false is set to FooFuncParam.fooOutput.And non-zero value means true. If necessary, you can write a custom type handler to change the behavior.

这是一个用 Oracle 18c 测试的可执行文件演示和 ojdbc

Here is an executable demo tested with Oracle 18c and ojdbc

这篇关于如何使用 MyBatis 调用返回 BOOLEAN 的函数?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-22 09:31