


I came across the concept of "Strong Eventual Consistency" .Is it supposed to be stronger than "Eventual Consistency" but weaker than "Strong Consistency"? Could someone explain the differences among these three concepts with applicable examples?




DISCLAIMER: The text below should give you a rough idea about the differences among Eventual Consistency, Strong Eventual Consistency and Strong Consistency. But they are in some way an over-simplification. So take them with a grain of salt ;)


First things first: when we talk about consistency we refer to an scenario where different entities (nodes) have their own copy of some data object. Now, conflicts arise because each node can update its own copy (e.g. because there are clients, each one connected to some node, asking them to do so), so if I read the data from different nodes I'll see different values. This is where Eventual Consistency (EC), Strong Eventual Consistency (SEC) and Strong Consistency (SC) come into play.


Eventual ConsistencyConflicts can arise, but nodes communicate each other their changes to solve those conflicts, so in time they agree upon the definitive value. Thus, if no more changes are applied to the data for a certain period, then all nodes will agree in the data value (i.e. they will eventually agree) so readers of data will eventually see the same value.

示例:两个节点A和B( nA nB )每个都有一个字符串副本,该副本通过操作<$ c进行更新$ c> read()和 write(string)。假设每个人都有自己的客户端( cliA cliB )。假设两个节点最初都存储了相同的值 Joe,但是在某些时候 nA 将其更新为 Frank(调用 write( Frank))。然后 nA 会告诉 nB 该值已更新;由于这两个值不同,因此发生了冲突,但是可以使用某些策略(例如,last-write-wins)来解决,因此 nB 最终还将其记录也更新为 Frank。在解决冲突之前, cliA cliB 将看到不同版本的数据( read() op结果将

Example: two nodes A and B (nA and nB) have each one copy of a string, which is update with operations read() and write(string). Let's say each one has its own client (cliA and cliB). Let's say that initially both nodes store the same value "Joe", but at some moment nA updates it to "Frank" (calls write("Frank")). Then nA will tell nB that the value has been updated; as both values differ a conflict has arisen but in can be solved using some policy (for example last-write-wins) so nB finally updates its record also to "Frank". Before the conflict is resolved cliA and cliB will see different versions of the data (the read() op result will differ), but eventually both will see the same value again.


Keep in mind that if both nodes update their value simultaneously then conflict resolution is still possible but more complicated. This is where SEC shines.


Strong Eventual ConsistencyThis is a special case of EC, that is valid only for certain data types.

让我们假定共享的数据对象是一个计数器,并通过 add(int value)和减去(int值)操作。在这种情况下,我们应用更新的顺序并不重要!因此,如果 nA nB 都以计数器值0开头,然后nA运行 add(10)并且 nB 运行 substract(5)(同时),他们只需要相互发送更新操作,而无需解决冲突,最终确保它们将达到相同的值(相反,请记住,在上一个EC的示例中,可能需要一些冲突解决方案!)!

Let's assume that the data object shared is a counter, and updates are made by add(int value) and substract(int value) operations. In this case, the order in which we apply updates does not matter! So if both nA and nB start with a counter value of 0, and if then nA runs add(10) and nB runs substract(5) (simultaneosly), they only need to send the update operation to each other without caring for conflict resolution, eventually it is ensured that they will reach the same value (remember that, in contrast, in the previous example for EC some conflict resolution could be required)!


Unfortunately SEC is only applicable in certain data types and operations that have specific properties (commutativity and others). Such data types are denoted Conflict-free Replicated Data Type (CRDT) .

与其他两个完全不同。在此要求在更新操作时所有节点都同意新值,然后再使新值对客户端可见。这样,所有客户可以同时看到更新,因此他们将始终读取相同的值。现在,这引入了对更新操作进行某些阻止的要求。在EC和SEC中,本地副本一经更新,更新操作就结束了(然后该操作广播到其他节点)。在此,直到所有节点都同意数据值后,客户端更新才会返回,并且在此操作完成之后,对数据副本的所有访问都被锁定(因此其他客户端读取被阻止)。在我们的EC示例中,如果 cliA 运行 write( Frank),则在更新之前, cliA 将被阻止由 nA nB 达成共识,然后同时在 cliA cliB 中都可见时间,即 read()操作从那时起应返回相同的值。

Strong consistencyQuite different to the other two. Here it is a requirement that upon update operations all nodes agree on the new value before making the new value visible to clients. That way updates are visible to all clients 'at the same time', so they will read the same value at all times. Now this introduces the requirement for some blocking in update operations. Both in EC and SEC an update operation was over as soon as the local copy was updated (then the operation was broadcasted to the other nodes). Here a client update does not return until all nodes have agreed upon the data value, and while this is done all accesses to any copy of that data are 'locked' (so other clients reads are blocked). In our example for EC, if cliA runs write("Frank"), cliA will be blocked until the update is agreed by both nA and nB, and then it will made visible for both cliA and cliB at the same time, i.e. the read() operation should return the same value from then on.


05-23 10:59