

对于新的RDAP协议以及在以后继续进行下去的有意义的时间,我有些困惑.在我看来,就像每个人都同意将其作为Whois的继承者一样,但是他们的数据库似乎是空的.在ubuntu上,我尝试了rdapper,nicinfo甚至是他们的RESTful API:

I'm a little confused about the new RDAP protocol and whenever it makes sense to pursue it any further. It looks to me like everyone agreed on it to be the successor of whois, but their databases seem empty. On ubuntu I tried rdapper, nicinfo and even their RESTful API:

http://rdap.org/domain/google.com (这会导致出现找不到文件",但根据此处)是正确的)

http://rdap.org/domain/google.com(this results in a "File not Found", but is correct according to here)

我误会了什么吗? RDAP是否已死,服务是否还没有启动,或者我做错了什么? Nicinfo返回此:

Am I misunderstanding something? Is RDAP dead, did the service not start yet or am I doing something wrong? Nicinfo returns this:

nicinfo -t domain google.com
# NicInfo v.1.1.0-alpha
# Query yielded no results.

[ NOTICE ] Terms of Service
         1 By using the ARIN RDAP/Whois service, you are agreeing to the RDAP/Whois
           Terms of Use
     About https://www.arin.net/whois_tou.html

      Code 404
         1 The domain you are seeking as 'google.com.' is/are not here.


rdapper returns this:

rdapper --TYPE domain google.com
Error: 404 No RDAP service for domains like 'google.com' is registered at rdap.org


If RDAP is supposed to be working, can someone tell me what I did wrong?



如何成功使用RDAP协议代替WHOIS的答案"?是:无法成功使用RDAP ,也许只能尝试一些实验性的实现...但是即使是实验性的,我也不知道如何尝试.

Direct short answer

The answer to "How to successfully use RDAP protocol instead of WHOIS?" is: there are no way to successfully use RDAP, only, perhaps, to try some experimental implementation... But even experimental, I not know how to try it.


The URL that you used is wrong, so, in part, your question details started with wrong hypothesis.

RDAP.ORG不是官方机构",它是商业组织所有的,因此它是错误的".ORG". rdap.org页面上有一个页脚,该页脚表示没有官方服务,并且是tau.uk.com游乐场.尝试某些RDAP客户端.

The domain RDAP.ORG is not an "official authority", it is a owned by a commercial organization, so it is a false ".ORG". There are a footer at rdap.org pages acknowledging that is no offcial service, and is a tau.uk.com playground. Try some RDAP client.

2015年ICANN报告 -12-03,"gTLD注册管理机构和注册服务商的注册数据访问协议(RDAP)操作配置文件",提供了一些线索,一些历史记录,并且...

This ICANN report of 2015-12-03, "Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) Operational Profile for gTLD Registries and Registrars", have some clues, some history, ... and fished with

因此,没有人决定对所有注册服务商强制执行RDAP ...而且今年没有宣布征集志愿者".

So, no one decides to enforce RDAP on all registrars... And there are no "call for volunteers" announced this year.

如今,WHOIS的主要问题是对已发布信息的免费解释". 没有标准的罗塞塔石" ,但是我们可以开始(!),以提供成熟度中介.

The main problem with WHOIS today is the "free interpretation" of the published information. There are no "standard Rosetta stone", but we can start one (!), to offer a maturity intermediary for RDAP.


Starting 2019-08-26 it will be an ICANN requirements (hence for all gTLDs) to have an RDAP server at registries and registrars.

来自 https://www.icann.org/rdap :

gTLD注册管理机构和注册商必须实施RDAP 在2019年8月26日之前提供服务.ICANN组织继续与gTLD合作 注册管理机构和注册服务商实施服务级别协议,并且 RDAP的注册表报告要求.

gTLD registries and registrars are required to implement an RDAP service by 26 August 2019. ICANN org continues to work with gTLD registries and registrars to implement a service-level agreement and registry reporting requirements for RDAP.

https:/上了解有关RDAP时间轴的更多信息. /www.icann.org/resources/pages/rdap-background-2018-08-31-en


05-23 10:55