


For generic free functions I can use overloading,to essentially specialize the function for function types, like this:

func foo<T>(_ t: T.Type) { print("T is unknown") }
func foo<P>(_ t: ((P) -> Void).Type) { print("T is a function with one parameter") }

let f: (String) -> Void = { print($0) }
foo(type(of: f))   //  prints "T is a function with one parameter"


Note the second version of foo() is not protocol-constrained,mainly because as far as I know, we can't make function types conform to protocols(we can't extend non-nominal types). I could create a OneParamFunction protocol,and could use that in a constrained foo(), but I couldn't make all one-parameterfunction types conform to that protocol.


But the above overload works without protocol constraints.


Is something like this possible for an instance method of a generic class?


To me, this syntax would seem most natural, but it's not supported:

class Generic1<T> { init(_ t: T.Type) {} }
extension Generic1 { func foo() { print("T is unknown") } }

extension Generic1<P>
    where T == ((P) -> Void) {
    func foo() { print("T is a function with one parameter") }


The "normal" way of creating protocol-constrained extensions on the Generic classwould look like this:

extension Generic1 where T: OneParamFunction { ... }


but as discussed above, I can't make function types conform to the OneParamFunction protocol.


I also can't just create a single (no overloads / specializations) instance methodand then forward to the free function, this doesn't work:

class Generic2<T> {
    init(_ t: T.Type) {}
    func foo() { myModule.foo(T.self) }

let f: (String) -> Void = { print($0) }
Generic2(type(of: f)).foo()   //  prints "unknown T"


Compiles, but always calls the unknown-T version, I think because of type erasure.Inside Generic2, the compiler doesn't really know what T is.Generic2 doesn't define any protocol constraints on T that would help the compilerproperly dispatch the myModule.foo() call (and it can't have such constraints, see above).


Using method overloading inside the generic class compiles and seems close,but still doesn't work, although in this case I'm not sure why.

class Generic3<T> {
    init(_ t: T.Type) {}
    func foo() { print("T is unknown") }
    func foo<P>() where T == ((P) -> Void) { print("T is a function with one parameter") }

let f: (String) -> Void = { print($0) }
Generic3(type(of: f)).foo()   //  prints "unknown T"


Here at the site of calling foo() the type parameter of Generic3 is fully known,so it seems to me that the compiler would have all the necessary type informationto correctly dispatch the call, but that's not what happens, it still prints "unknown T".


Not even repeating the type as a parameter to foo() helps (wouldn't be ideal anyway):

class Generic4<T> {
    init(_ t: T.Type) {}
    func foo(_ t: T.Type) { print("T is unknown") }
    func foo<P>(_ t: T.Type) where T == ((P) -> Void) { print("T is a function with one parameter") }

let f: (String) -> Void = { print($0) }
Generic4(type(of: f)).foo(type(of: f))   //  still prints "unknown T"


更新,以回应Rob Napier的回答.

Update, in response to Rob Napier's answer.


I think what I wish for here isn't really dynamic dispatch, I'd like to have static dispatch, but based on all the type information known at the call site, rather than based on the type-erased value for T previously inferred during Generic.init(). And that does work with free functions, but not with member functions.


func foo<T>(_ t: T.Type) { print("T is unknown") }
func foo<P>(_ t: ((P) -> Void).Type) { print("T is a function with one parameter") }

func g<T>(_ x: T.Type) -> T.Type { return x }
let f: (String) -> Void = { print($0) }
foo(g(type(of: f)))   //  prints "T is a function"

这确实调用了foo的"T是函数"版本,即使T也在g()内部进行了类型擦除.而且我认为,这与Generic(type(of: f)).foo()更像是Rob的示例,其中g<T>()调用foo()(这更类似于从Generic的其他成员调用Generic.foo()的情况–在这种情况下,我确实理解了T未知).

This does call the "T is function" version of foo, even though T gets type-erased inside g() too. And I think this is more similar to Generic(type(of: f)).foo() than Rob's example with g<T>() calling foo() (which is more analogous to calling Generic.foo() from some other member of Generic -- in this case I do understand why T is unknown).

在两种情况下(Generic(type(of: f)).foo()foo(g(type(of: f))))都有两种类型:

In both cases (Generic(type(of: f)).foo() vs foo(g(type(of: f)))) there are two types:

  1. f的原始类型和
  2. 第一次调用返回的类型(Generic.init()/g()).
  1. the original type of f, and
  2. the type returned from the first call (Generic.init() / g()).


But apparently the subsequent call to foo() is dispatched based on type #1 when calling the free function foo(), while type #2 is used for dispatching to member function Generic.foo().


First I thought that the difference has to do with how in the above example g() returns T.Type, while the result of Generic.init() is a Generic<T>, but no:

class Generic_<T> {
    init(_ t: T.Type) {}
    func member_foo() { print("T is unknown") }
    func member_foo<P>() where T == ((P) -> Void) { print("T is a function with one parameter") }

func free_foo<T>(_ g: Generic_<T>) { print("T is unknown") }
func free_foo<P>(_ t: Generic_<(P) -> Void>) { print("T is a function with one parameter") }

func g_<T>(_ t: T.Type) -> Generic_<T> { return Generic_(t) }

free_foo(g_(type(of: f)))   //  T is function
Generic_(type(of: f)).member_foo()   //  T is unknown


In this case both Generic.init and g() return Generic<T>. And yet, the free_foo() call seems to get dispatched based on the full original type of f, while the member_foo() call does not. I still wonder why.



You may want to use more than one generic parameter for your Generic class.

class Generic1<P, R> {
    init(_ t: ((P) -> R).Type) {}

extension Generic1 where P == Void
{ func foo() { print("T is unknown") } }

extension Generic1{
    func foo() { print("T is a function with one parameter") }
let f: (String) -> Void = { print($0) }
Generic1(type(of: f)).foo()   //  prints "T is a function with one parameter"
let v: (()) -> Void = { print($0) } // a bit ugly ;)
Generic1(type(of: v)).foo()   //  prints "T is unknown"



So taking your comment into accout I tried to :

  1. 摆脱() s
  2. 找到一种在不向客户提出过多要求的情况下扩大支持的参数数量的方法(尽管这有待辩论)
  3. 找到在非函数类型中使用它的方法
  1. get rid of the ()s
  2. find a way to scale up the number of supported params without asking too much to the client (that's up for debate though)
  3. find a way to use it with non function type


// some generic type aliases
typealias Bar<P, R> = (P) -> R
typealias Foo<P> = Bar<P, Void>
typealias Quux<P, Q, R> = (P, Q) -> R
typealias Qux<P, Q> = Quux<P, Q, Void>
typealias Xyzyy<S, P, Q, R> = (S, P, Q) -> R

// some closures
let fooString: Foo<String> = { print($0) }
let barIntVoid: Bar<Int, Void> = { print($0) }
let quuxStringIntString: Quux<String, Int, String> = { "\($0)\($1)"}
let quuxStringIntVoid: Quux<String, Int, Void> = { print("\($0)\($1)") }
let xyzyyDateStringIntVoid: Xyzyy<Date, String, Int, Void> = { print("\($0): \($1)\($2)") }

// same class as before
class Generic2<G> {
    init(_ t: G.Type) {}

// handling any type
extension Generic2 {
    func foo<T>(_ f: T) {
        print("\(T.self) is \(T.self == G.self ? "known" : "unknown")")

// these methods are put in an unspecialized extension in order to be "shared"
// I guess if your designing a module you probably won't be able to handle all the possibilities
// but I'm not sure you should anyway.
// it should be possible to extends Generic2 outside it's module to handle custom case though
extension Generic2 {
    func foo<P,R>(p: P.Type, r: R.Type) {
        print("f is a function with one parameter of type `\(P.self)` returning `\(R.self)`")
        print("\(Bar<P,R>.self) is \(G.self == Bar<P,R>.self ? "known" : "unknown")")

    func foo<P, Q,R>(p: P.Type, q: Q.Type, r: R.Type) {
        print("f is a function with two parameter of type `\(P.self)` and `\(Q.self)` returning `\(R.self)`")
        print("\(Quux<P, Q, R>.self) is \(G.self == Quux<P, Q, R>.self ? "known" : "unknown")")

    func foo<S, P, Q,R>(s: S.Type, p: P.Type, q: Q.Type, r: R.Type) {
        print("f is a function with two parameter of type `\(S.self)`, `\(P.self)` and `\(Q.self)` returning `\(R.self)`")
        print("\(Xyzyy<S, P, Q, R>.self) is \(G.self == Xyzyy<S, P, Q, R>.self ? "known" : "unknown")")

// you have to create an extension an write an overload of `foo(_:)` for each type you want to support
extension Generic2 where G == Bar<String, Void> {
    func foo(_ f: G) {
        foo(p: String.self, r: Void.self)

extension Generic2 where G == Bar<Int, Void> {
    func foo(_ f: G) {
        foo(p: Int.self, r: Void.self)

extension Generic2 where G == Quux<String, Int, String> {
    func foo(_ f: G) {
        foo(p: String.self, q: Int.self, r: String.self)

    func foo(p: String, q: Int, f: G) {

extension Generic2 where G == Quux<String, Int, Void> {
    func foo(_ f: G) {
        foo(p: String.self, q: Int.self, r: Void.self)

    func foo(p: String, q: Int, f: G) {



Generic2(Bar<Int, Void>.self).foo(barIntVoid)

Generic2(Quux<String, Int, String>.self).foo(quuxStringIntString)

Generic2(Quux<String, Int, Void>.self).foo(quuxStringIntString)

Generic2(Quux<String, Int, Void>.self).foo(p: "#", q:1, f: quuxStringIntVoid) // prints "#1"

Generic2(Xyzyy<Date, String, Int, Void>.self).foo(xyzyyDateStringIntVoid)

print("\nnon function types:")


f is a function with one parameter of type `String` returning `()`
(String) -> () is known

f is a function with one parameter of type `Int` returning `()`
(Int) -> () is known

f is a function with two parameter of type `String` and `Int` returning `String`
(String, Int) -> String is known

(String, Int) -> String is unknown

f is a function with two parameter of type `String` and `Int` returning `()`
(String, Int) -> () is known

(Date, String, Int) -> () is known

non function types:
Int.Type is unknown
Int is unknown
Int is known




At this point I'm not sure if I should keep previous edits, but this one is shorter.


I just changed you second overload to :

class Generic_<T> {
    init(_ t: T.Type) {}
    func member_foo() { print("T is unknown") }
    func member_foo<P>(_ type: P.Type) { print("T is a function with one parameter") }



It behavior is unchanged for free_function :

free_foo(g_(type(of: f)))   //  T is function
free_foo(g_(String.self))   // T is unknown


BUT now it also works with Generic_'s members :

let generic = Generic_(Bar<String, Int>.self)
generic.member_foo()   //  T is unknown
generic.member_foo(String.self)   //  T is a function with one parameter


09-15 12:18