


I'm making an iPhone cards game where each use has a deck of cards, I'd like to give the user the option to drag his finger through the cards and each card get's highlighted while his finger is on it. This effect is already done in Uno for iPhone. My cards are put into UIButton, what i tried to do is to set a small image to the button in normal state and a bigger image in the highlighted state, it did achieve the effect i was looking for but, the user has to highlight each card individually to be able to see the bigger picture.


Here is the code i used to set the normal and highlighted state of the UIButton:

//player413 is an IBOutlet to a UIButton, and img,imgHigh are UIImages
[player413 setImage:img forState:UIControlStateNormal] ;
[player413 setImage:imgHigh forState:UIControlStateHighlighted] ;




Use a single view to handle all the touch interaction.


当视图接收到触摸时,将递归调用 hitTest:withEvent:,直到找到接受"触摸的视图为止.

When a view receives a touch hitTest:withEvent: is called recursively, until a view which "accepts" the touch is found.

一旦 hitTest:withEvent:返回一个非nil值,它就结束了(默认情况下);该视图拥有"触摸(请参见UITouch.view).只有该视图可以触摸Began/Moved/Ended/Cancelled:withEvent:回调.

Once hitTest:withEvent: returns a non-nil value, it's over (by default); that view "owns" the touch (see UITouch.view). Only that view gets touchesBegan/Moved/Ended/Cancelled:withEvent: callbacks.

如果您希望触摸影响牌组中的任何一张牌,则牌组应实现touches *:withEvent :,并在子视图上设置userInteractionEnabled = NO,或覆盖hitTest:withEvent:,以便它返回"self"而不是一个的卡片".

If you want the touch to affect any card in the deck, the deck should implement touches*:withEvent:, and either set userInteractionEnabled=NO on subviews, or override hitTest:withEvent: so it returns "self" instead of one of the "cards".

然后,在touches *:withEvent:中,检测触摸处于哪个卡"上,然后执行 card.highlighted = YES .如果您有multipleTouchEnabled = NO,则可以假定只有一键,并使用 UITouch * touch = [touches anyObject] .

Then, in touches*:withEvent:, detect which "card" the touch is on, and then do card.highlighted = YES. If you have multipleTouchEnabled=NO, you can assume that there's only one touch and use UITouch * touch = [touches anyObject].


(There are a handful of UIKit classes which somehow sit between the touch and its owning view: UIScrollView can intercept the touch and scroll instead; gesture recognizers cancel touches when they detect a gesure.)


09-21 01:36