本文介绍了MSIX 包可以使用外部文件进行用户设置吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们正在评估从当前客户端/服务器应用程序到 .NET Core 的迁移.3.0 版本增加了对我们客户端所需的 WinForms 的支持,但不支持 ClickOnce.我们的解决方案是在本地安装的,我们需要包括设置(以及其他),例如应用程序服务器的地址.我们动态创建可用于安装和更新客户端并包含设置的 ClickOnce 包.这在今天就像一个魅力.用户使用 ClickOnce 包安装客户端,每次我们更新软件时,我们都会在客户的站点重新生成这些包,他们会自动获得具有正确设置的新版本.

We are evaluating the migration from our current client/server application to .NET Core. The 3.0 release added the support for WinForms we need for our client, but ClickOnce will not be supported.Our solution is installed on-premise and we need to include settings (among others) like the address to the application server. We create dynamically ClickOnce packages that can be used to install and update the clients and include the settings. This is working like a charm today. The users install the client using the ClickOnce package and every time we update the software we regenerate these packages at the customer's site and they get automatically the new version with the right settings.

我们正在考虑将 MSIX 作为替代方案,但我们有一个问题:- 是否可以将一些外部设置文件添加到安装时将使用(部署)的 MSIX 包中?

We are looking at MSIX as an alternative, but we have got a question:- Is it possible to add some external settings files to the MSIX package that will be used (deployed) when installing?


The package for the software itself could be statically generated, but how could we distribute the settings to the clients on first install / update?


MSIX 支持 修改包.这与您想要的很接近,自定义是在安装应用的主 MSIX 包后通过安装单独的包完成的.

MSIX has support for modification packages. This is close to what you want, the customization is done with a separate package installed after you install the main MSIX package of your app.


It cannot be installed at the same time as your main app. The OS checks if the main app is installed when you try to install the modification package and it will reject its installation if the main is not found on the machine.


The modification package is a standalone package, installed in a separate location. Check the link I included, there is a screenshot of a PS window where you can see the install path for the main package and the modification are different.


At runtime (when the user launches the app) the OS knows these two packages are connected and merges their virtual files and registry system, so the app "believes" all the resources are in one package.


This means you can update the main app and the modification package separately, and deploy them as you wish.


您如何部署更新?您想通过 Internet 使用自动更新程序工具吗?或者这些用户是否在公司内部网络内进行管理,并通过 SCCM 等工具获取所有应用更新?

How do you deploy the updates? Do you want to use an auto-updater tool over the internet? Or ar these users managed inside an internal company network and get all the app updates from tools like SCCM?

修改包主要是为 IT 部门设计的,我知道这也是您需要的.

The modification packages were designed mostly for IT departments to use them, and this is what I understood you would need too.


A modification package is deployed via SCCM or other tools just like the main package, there are no differences.

对于 ISV,我认为 可选包更好的解决方案.

For ISVs I believe optional packages are a better solution.

这篇关于MSIX 包可以使用外部文件进行用户设置吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-27 23:37