I'm interested in getting access to a full WHOIS database in order to expand on a domain-profile project I'm working on. I know ARIN provides this database only to non-commercial researchers and every WHOIS provider I know of (including ARIN itself) has rate-limiting.
I also know, however, some commercial services that already exist (like the registrant lookup section of domaintools.com, which can search for domains by registrant name) which are impossible unless the site has direct access to a cached copy of the WHOIS database.
Any idea how they got ahold of their data?
There is no publicly known single complete "WHOIS database", if you mean it.
ICANN organizes and keeps information about which registry is responsible for each top level domain and which registrars are entitled for which tlds (e.g. com, net, co.uk, ...).
注册管理机构(例如,Verisign, ...)保留其分配的域的域的一般可用性信息。一些通用和国家tld注册管理机构也保留详细的whois信息,因为注册服务商系统尚未(或不会)完全开发他们。
Registries (e.g. Verisign, national registries, ...) keep the general availability information for domains of their allotted tlds. Some generic and country tld registries keep detailed whois information too, as the registrar system has not yet been (or will not be) fully developed for them.
And finally, registrars (GoDaddy, Enom, country code registrars where applicable, ...) have the detailed whois information about the domains registered through them.
例如,Verisign是负责com / net / ...的最大的注册管理机构没有速度限制AFAIK,或者至少我从来没有遇到过〜40k个查询/天。
For example Verisign, the biggest registry who is responsible for com/net/... has no rate limit AFAIK, or at least I've never encountered it up to ~40k queries/day.