本文介绍了iOS 6 - “应用程序可执行文件缺少必需的体系结构:armv6”的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


首先,我尝试了每个问题的答案 -

First, I have tried every answer for the question - application executable is missing a required architecture armv6

这在我下载iOS 6之前的上周工作。现在我在验证我的存档以进行分发时收到以下错误。

This worked last week before I downloaded iOS 6. Now I am getting the following error when validating my archive for distribution.

据我所知,唯一的变化是iOS 6.所以我相信必须有一个 new 步骤我不知道。

To my knowledge, the only change is iOS 6. So I believe there must be a new step I'm missing.


XCode 4.5不再支持armv6编译。它可能仍然存在于体系结构设置中(来自较旧的项目),但它不再构建它们。如果你需要构建旧的(如基于armv6的)iPhone,你不能在同一版本中支持6.0(因为你需要Xcode 4.5)。

XCode 4.5 no longer supports armv6 compilation. It may still exist in the architecture settings (from an older project) but it won't build them anymore. If you need to build for old (as in armv6 based ) iPhones you can't support 6.0 in the same build (as you need Xcode 4.5 for that).

这篇关于iOS 6 - “应用程序可执行文件缺少必需的体系结构:armv6”的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-10 21:13