


I'm able to get the projection matrix out of a monocular setup after using calibrateCamera.


现在,我按照立体声校准样本进行操作,在对立体声进行校正后,我想对两台相机都做同样的操作( openCV-立体声整流).该方法为我提供Q,R1,R2,P1和P2矩阵.

Now, I follow the stereo calibration sample and I would like to do the same for both cameras after I do stereo rectification (openCV - stereo rectify). The method gives me Q, R1, R2, P1 and P2 matrices.

void stereoRectify(InputArray cameraMatrix1, InputArray distCoeffs1, InputArray cameraMatrix2, InputArray distCoeffs2, Size imageSize, InputArray R, InputArray T, OutputArray R1, OutputArray R2, OutputArray P1, OutputArray P2, OutputArray Q, int flags=CALIB_ZERO_DISPARITY, double alpha=-1, Size newImageSize=Size(), Rect* validPixROI1=0, Rect* validPixROI2=0 )


I assume I have to combine them somehow, but I don't understand how to relate these output matrices to intrinsics and extrinsics of a camera.


假设我的相机没有失真.我知道我可以使用initUndistorRectifyMap重新映射图像并重新映射.但是,我只是想通过使用投影矩阵来编写一些自己的代码,即如果只是一次相机校准,我将获得相机矩阵C,以及旋转和平移矢量,将它们组合到投影矩阵中由C * [R | t].我想做同样的事情,但要调整摄像机的位置.

Let's assume my cameras don't have distortion. I understand I can get remap the images using initUndistorRectifyMap and remap. But, I'm just interested in writing some of my own code by using the projection matrix, i.e. if it's just a single camera calibration, I get the camera matrix C, and the rotation and translation vector, I combine them to the projection matrix by C * [R |t]. I'd like to do the same but for the rectified camera position.



The answer here is somewhat obvious, although it wasn't so at the time. The projection matrices I'm looking for was P1 and P2. I was wondering how to construct them with distortion parameters. Actually, this is not necessary, because the whole remap process undistorts the images, so that we can straight away make use P1 and P2 as the projection. Hope this helps someone.


07-26 00:30