

我无法使用WebSphere MQ上的Queue Manager从WebSphere Application Server进行远程连接.无论如何,它都是从安装在同一台计算机上的WAS连接到队列管理器的.我使用的是WebSphere MQ 7.5版和WebSphere Application Server 7.0版.

I'm unable to connect remotely from WebSphere Application Server with Queue Manager at WebSphere MQ. Anyhow it get connected to Queue Manager from WAS that is installed on same machine. I'm using version 7.5 of WebSphere MQ and version 7.0 of WebSphere Application Server.

在记录错误消息后尝试将WAS远程连接到Queue Manager时.

While attempting to connect WAS remotely to Queue Manager following error messages were logged.

WebSphere MQ的错误消息:

WebSphere Application Server上的错误消息:


As it can be seen from logs, I have created Queue Manager as QM.TEST and channel as TEST_CHANNEL. The listener port defined for the Queue Manager is 1417 along with protocol TCP.


I did lot of google but didn't find any appropriate solution. I appreciate any help in this regard.


Thanks in adv, KAmeer


我在安装WAS 7和WMQ 7.5时遇到了类似的问题.我能够连接到现有的WMQ 7.0 QM,但无法连接到新的WMQ 7.5 QM.显然,在初始版本7.0.0.0之后,与WAS 7捆绑在一起的WMQ组件发生了变化.更新资源适配器后,我能够成功连接到两个队列管理器.

I had a similar issue where I have WAS 7 and WMQ 7.5. I was able to make a connection to my existing WMQ 7.0 QM but not my new WMQ 7.5 QM. Apparently there was a change to the WMQ components bundled with WAS 7 after the initial release After updating the resource adapter I was able to make a successfull connection to both queue managers.


09-22 06:43