本文介绍了Vimeo 隐私设置在嵌入网站时会影响/禁止下载功能的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Vimeo 声明:在 Vimeo 中隐藏此视频"将使该视频无法在 Vimeo 网站上访问(除非您以自己的身份登录),但它仍然可以嵌入到其他网站.您的视频可以添加到专辑和投资组合中,但不能添加到其他类型的收藏中."

Vimeo states: "Hide this video from Vimeo" will make the video unable to be accessed on the Vimeo website (unless you are logged in as yourself), but it still can be embedded on other websites. Your video can be added to albums and portfolios, but no other types of collections."

在 Vimeo 设置中,选择从 Vimeo 隐藏"后,还有一个复选框,标题为人们可以对您的视频做什么?"我选择了下载它们".

In the Vimeo settings, with 'Hide from Vimeo' selected, there is also a checkbox titled 'What can people do with your videos?' I have 'Download them' selected.

因此,据我所知,Vimeo 视频应该能够嵌入到我客户的网站上,隐藏在 Vimeo 上"但仍然可以从我客户的网站下载".

So, as far as I am aware, the Vimeo videos should be able to be embedded on my client's website, 'hidden on Vimeo' yet still 'downloadable' from my client's website.

事实并非如此.除非 Vimeo 设置设为公开",否则我们无法从客户的网站下载,

This is not the case. We can not download from the client's website unless the Vimeo settings are set to 'Public,'

当隐私设置谁可以观看您的视频?"时,Vimeo 实际上会禁止下载功能.设置为任何人"以外的任何内容.所以你必须在 Vimeo 上有公共视频,这打破了为 PRO 付费的目的.

Vimeo actually inhibits the download functionality when privacy settings "Who can watch your videos?" are set to anything other than "Anyone." So you have to have public videos on Vimeo which defeats the object of paying for PRO.

场景: 我的客户有敏感视频,他们使用 Vimeo 托管(私下).这些视频使用定制插件流式传输到 Wordpress 网站上的私人客户端页面.只有有权访问网站上私人客户区的人才能访问这些视频,并且他们在网络上的其他任何地方都必须是私密的.但是,它们必须可以从客户区下载.

请帮忙!我们花了两个月的时间开发了一个定制的 WordPress 插件,现在出现了这个错误.

Please help! We have spent two months developing a bespoke WordPress plugin and now this error is occurring.

我们使用的是 Vimeo PRO.

We are using Vimeo PRO.



视频设置中的下载"选项指的是显示在 vimeo.com/[video_id] 视频页面上的下载"按钮.该下载设置与其使用下载链接下载的能力无关;只要链接没有过期,下载链接就可以在任何提供它的地方使用.

The "download" option in the video's settings refer to the Download button that appears on the video page at vimeo.com/[video_id]. That download setting has no bearing on its ability to be downloaded using the download link; the download link should work anywhere its served, provided that the link has not expired.


See the "Download videos" Help Center article here: https://vimeo.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/229678128-Downloading-videos


There are only two supported methods to serve a download link on your website:


These are the only supported methods to get download links; if you're using another method to get download links, the links may expire or break at any time.

这篇关于Vimeo 隐私设置在嵌入网站时会影响/禁止下载功能的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-15 12:00