本文介绍了HTC Desire上的EGLConfig,可用配置将设备挂起的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm implementing my own EGLConfigChooser to pass to setEGLConfigChooser() in order to select the best available configuration for the current device according to the needs I have for the application.


To be more specific I'm querying all the available configurations and selecting the one with the biggest depth buffer size (and between those with the same depth buffer size I want the one with the biggest colour depth), wall of code follows:

 public EGLConfig chooseConfig(EGL10 egl, EGLDisplay display)
  //Querying number of configurations
  int[] num_conf = new int[1];
  egl.eglGetConfigs(display, null, 0, num_conf);  //if configuration array is null it still returns the number of configurations
  int configurations = num_conf[0];

  //Querying actual configurations
  EGLConfig[] conf = new EGLConfig[configurations];
  egl.eglGetConfigs(display, conf, configurations, num_conf);

  EGLConfig result = null;

  for(int i = 0; i < configurations; i++)
   Log.v("EGLConfigChooser", "Configuration #" + i );
   print(egl, display, conf[i]);
   result = better(result, conf[i], egl, display);

  Log.v("EGLConfigChooser", "Chosen EGLConfig:");
  print(egl, display, result);

  return result;

  * Returns the best of the two EGLConfig passed according to depth and colours
  * @param a The first candidate
  * @param b The second candidate
  * @return The chosen candidate
 private EGLConfig better(EGLConfig a, EGLConfig b, EGL10 egl, EGLDisplay display)
  if(a == null) return b;

  EGLConfig result = null;

  int[] value = new int[1];

  egl.eglGetConfigAttrib(display, a, EGL10.EGL_DEPTH_SIZE, value);
  int depthA = value[0];

  egl.eglGetConfigAttrib(display, b, EGL10.EGL_DEPTH_SIZE, value);
  int depthB = value[0];

  if(depthA > depthB)
   result = a;
  else if(depthA < depthB)
   result = b;
  else //if depthA == depthB
   egl.eglGetConfigAttrib(display, a, EGL10.EGL_RED_SIZE, value);
   int redA = value[0];

   egl.eglGetConfigAttrib(display, b, EGL10.EGL_RED_SIZE, value);
   int redB = value[0];

   if(redA > redB)
    result = a;
   else if(redA < redB)
    result = b;
   else //if redA == redB
    //Don't care
    result = a;

  return result;


(The print method prints EGLConfig values to the Logger)


Now, it appears to work fine, it selects the following configuration:

01-30 18:57:04.424: VERBOSE/EGLConfigChooser(1093): Chosen EGLConfig:
01-30 18:57:04.424: VERBOSE/EGLConfigChooser(1093): EGL_RED_SIZE  = 8
01-30 18:57:04.424: VERBOSE/EGLConfigChooser(1093): EGL_BLUE_SIZE  = 8
01-30 18:57:04.424: VERBOSE/EGLConfigChooser(1093): EGL_GREEN_SIZE  = 8
01-30 18:57:04.424: VERBOSE/EGLConfigChooser(1093): EGL_ALPHA_SIZE  = 8
01-30 18:57:04.424: VERBOSE/EGLConfigChooser(1093): EGL_DEPTH_SIZE  = 24
01-30 18:57:04.424: VERBOSE/EGLConfigChooser(1093): EGL_ALPHA_FORMAT  = 24
01-30 18:57:04.424: VERBOSE/EGLConfigChooser(1093): EGL_ALPHA_MASK_SIZE  = 0
01-30 18:57:04.424: VERBOSE/EGLConfigChooser(1093): EGL_STENCIL_SIZE  = 8


The problem is that when this configuration is used the phone screen turns green with purple artifacts (the scene is supposed to be black with a wooden table), it completely hangs and stops responding to any kind of input, all I can do is to terminate my process via the debugger and when I do so the device reboots(?!!).

eglGetConfigs为何返回一个导致此类问题的配置?你们中是否有人经历过类似的事情或可以在我的代码中找到某种缺陷?我仔细检查了一下,但对我来说似乎没问题(它受到 http的启发://brandnewreality.com/blog/android-egl-querying-your-gl-driver )

How come that eglGetConfigs is returning a configuration which causes this kind of issues? Has anyone of you experienced something similar or can find some kind of flaw in my code? I double checked it but it looks ok to me (it has been inspired by http://brandnewreality.com/blog/android-egl-querying-your-gl-driver )





getHolder( ).setFormat( PixelFormat.RGBA_8888 );


To your surfaces constructor, after setting the GL config chooser. Basically I was getting a crash when selecting format 8,8,8,0,0,0 (R8, G8, B8, A0, Z0, Stencil0) until I added that line...


这篇关于HTC Desire上的EGLConfig,可用配置将设备挂起的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-04 00:58