

所以我用Java开发了一个应用程序,使用户可以将数据存储在MySQL数据库中.每当我输入به‌رواری ده‌رچوون时,我都会得到??????.有什么办法可以解决?这项工作在明天之前完成是非常重要的……我从来没有遇到过这样的问题,现在我正在为库尔德斯坦的一家公司创建数据库应用程序,现在我的朋友问,它是否可以存储数据与他们的角色?心脏病发作!请帮忙!

Hi so I've made an application in java that lets the user to store data in a MySQL database. Whenever I enter this به‌رواری ده‌رچوون I just get ??????. Is there any way I can fix that? It's really important that this job is done before tomorrow... I've never faced a problem such as this, and now I'm creating a database app for a company in Kurdistan, and now my friend asked, well does it store data with their characters? Heart attack! Please help!


I'm using PhpMyadmin on a localhost computer using XAMPP



  • 您有utf8编码的数据(很好)
  • SET NAMES latin1有效(默认,但不正确)
  • 该列被声明为CHARACTER SET latin1(默认,但错误)
  • you had utf8-encoded data (good)
  • SET NAMES latin1 was in effect (default, but wrong)
  • the column was declared CHARACTER SET latin1 (default, but wrong)


As you INSERTed the data, it was converted to latin1, which does not have values for Arabic (Kurdish/Farsi/etc) characters, so question marks replaced them.


The cure (for future INSERTs):

  • utf8编码的数据(良好)
  • mysqli_set_charset('utf8')(或您的客户建立CHARACTER SET所需的任何内容)
  • 检查列和/或表的默认值是否为CHARACTER SET utf8
  • 如果要显示在网页上,则<meta...utf8>应该在顶部附近.
  • utf8-encoded data (good)
  • mysqli_set_charset('utf8') (or whatever your client needs for establishing the CHARACTER SET)
  • check that the column(s) and/or table default are CHARACTER SET utf8
  • If you are displaying on a web page, <meta...utf8> should be near the top.

上面的讨论是关于CHARACTER SET的字符编码.现在来了解COLLATION的技巧,该技巧用于比较和排序.

The discussion above is about CHARACTER SET, the encoding of characters. Now for a tip on COLLATION, which is used for comparing and sorting.

要再次检查数据是否正确存储,请执行SELECT col, HEX(col)....

To double check that the data is stored correctly, doSELECT col, HEX(col)....
ه‌رچوون should come back D987E2808CD8B1DA86D988D988D986
Arabic characters in utf8 have hex of D8xx or D9xx.


(utf8mb4 works just as well as utf8; either works for Arabic.)


Bad news: The data that was inserted and turned into '???' cannot be recovered.


10-22 02:27