


I'm working on a fish animation. When I click on my canvas, a piece of food will appear and my fish sprite will move forward to it. But the current code I have is something like this:

Fish.prototype.chaseFood = function(index) {
    if (this.xPos > foodArray[index].x + foodWidth) {
        this.speedX = -1 * Math.abs(this.speedX);
    } else if (this.xPos < foodArray[index].x) {
        this.speedX = Math.abs(this.speedX);
    if (this.yPos > foodArray[index].y + foodHeight) {
        this.speedY = -1 * Math.abs(this.speedY);
    } else if (this.yPos < foodArray[index].y) {
        this.speedY = Math.abs(this.speedY);


So my fish sprite will always 1 or -1 so it would bounce back and forth till it reaches the food. I'm trying to use Math.atan2 to detect the position of the food and this method allows it can travel exactly towards the food. How do I implement this method:

var point1={x:20,y:30};
var point2={x:125,y:50};

var dx=point2.x-point1.x;
var dy=point2.y-point1.y;

// angle between point1 & point2 normalized within PI*2

var radianAngle=(Math.atan2(dy,dx)+Math.PI*2)%(Math.PI*2);


So once the fish sprite detect the method and it will start to move towards it without bouncing back and forth.


Jo hn_90写道:
John_90 wrote:


Or do you have any other method to achieve it? To make the sprite to move forward smoothly? I really need help for this function to be working. Thank you.

好吧,如果你敢于离开幼稚园的精灵,让人想起1970x,那么HTML5 Canvas 功能将让你玩得更多更加丰富的图形模型绝对流畅。



$ b $bRaphaël: [ ],


纸.js,一个矢量图形脚本网络: [],

Burst Engine: []。

另请参阅此Mozilla教程: []。


Well, if you dare to leave the kindergarten of "sprites", the reminiscent of 1970x, the HTML5 Canvas feature will allow you to play with much richer graphics models in absolutely smooth way.

It will take considerable effort, but what you can do is quite impressive:

You can find several engines already designed, in particular, for creation of vector graphics, which can also be interactive:
Raphaël: http://raphaeljs.com/[^],
CAKE: http://code.google.com/p/cakejs/[^],
Paper.js, a vector-graphics scripting network: http://paperjs.org/[^],
Burst Engine: https://github.com/rwaldron/burst-core[^].

See also this Mozilla tutorial: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/Graphics/Drawing_graphics_with_canvas?redirectlocale=en-US&redirectslug=HTML%2FCanvas%2FDrawing_Graphics_with_Canvas[^].



08-28 06:25