


I have a jqgrid as shown:


As you see, rows can have multi-line text or just a single line. However, I only want the first line to be displayed on each row with a downward pointed arrow if it has multi-line text.The grid is non-editable.


Moreover , the data to populate this grid comes as a json string from the controller. Currently, I have set the grid parameters as:

datatype: 'jsonstring',
datastr: jsonErrorGridData,
rowNum: '',
gridview: true,
onSelectRow: function (row_id) {

这为我提供了一个包含所有行(rowNum: '')的网格,在某些情况下可能超过1000.此外,如何在客户端实现分页,还包括下载所有网格数据的选项?另外,如您所见,列标题未正确对齐.我将这个网格显示为div中的弹出对话框:

This gives me a grid with all rows (rowNum: ''), which in cases can be more than 1000. Additionally, how can I implement paging on client side and also include an option to download all the gird data?Also, as you can see the column headers are not aligned properly. I display this grid as a pop-up dialog in a div:

<div id="displayError">
    <table id="errorList-grid" style="table-layout: fixed"></table>



The most easy way to implement almost exact your requirements would be the usage of the following CSS rule:

.ui-jqgrid .jqgrow:not(.ui-state-highlight) > td { white-space: nowrap; }

它将对所有未选择的行应用white-space: nowrap;,这将减小行的高度.所选行仍将具有默认的white-space: pre;属性,因此将显示整行.

It will apply white-space: nowrap; on all non-selected rows, which will reduce the height of the rows. The selected row will still have default white-space: pre; property and thus the full row will be shown.


08-31 02:14