

我是iPhone开发的新手.我一直在阅读有关如何使Google Maps注解标注窗口接受换行符的几个问题.我阅读的每个教程都要求我触发mapView:didSelectAnnotationView方法.但是我不知道该如何触发.我尝试过的东西包括

I'm new to iPhone development. I've been reading several questions on how to make a google maps annotation callout window accept line breaks. Every tutorial I've read requires me to fire the mapView:didSelectAnnotationView method. But I have no idea how to trigger this. things I've tried include

  • 将方法放入扩展UIViewController的MapViewController.m文件中
  • 将方法放入扩展MKMapView的MapView.m文件中,然后将我的情节提要中的Mapview元素引用为要使用的类


There's so much about xcode, objective c, and iphone development that I don't understand, so i can't tell where my problem lies.


At the moment, my map does plot my desired marker on the desired location. I just need to understand how to fire the mapView:didSelectAnnotationView and mapView:viewForAnnotation functions before I can start customizing the call out box.


Does anyone have step by step instructions on how to trigger these functions?




A bit of background

A few things to note:

  1. 您不打mapView:didSelectAnnotationView. MKMapView在其委托上调用该函数.换句话说,当您设置MKMapView时,您会说:嘿,听着,您需要告诉我地图上发生的任何事情,请告诉这个人,他会为您处理."该"guy"是委托对象,它需要实现mapView:didSelectAnnotationView(这也是其名称"did select"(即它已经发生而不是"select"的原因)的原因).在一个简单的例子中,委托通常是拥有MKMapView的UIViewController,这将在下面描述.

  1. You don't call mapView:didSelectAnnotationView. The MKMapView calls that function on it's delegate. In other words, when you set up an MKMapView, you tell it: "hey, listen, anytimme you need to tell me what's happening on the map, go tell this guy, he'll handle them for you". That "guy" is the delegate object, and it needs to implement mapView:didSelectAnnotationView (that's also why its name "did select", ie, it already happened, as opposed to "select"). For a simple case, the delegate is often the UIViewController that owns the MKMapView, which is what I'll describe below.


That method will then get triggered when the user taps on one of your annotations. So that's a great spot to start customizing what should happen when they tap on an annotation view (updating a selection, for instance).


It's not, however, what you want if you want to customize what annotation to show, which is what it sounds like you're actually after. For that, there's a different method just a few paragraphs earlier on the same man page: mapView:viewForAnnotation. So substitute this method if you find that mapView:didSelectAnnotationView isn't what you were looking for.



What you can do

If you got as far as a map with a marker, I'm guessing you have at least:* a view controller (extendeding from UIViewController, and* an MKMapView that you've added to the view for that view controller, say named mapView


The method you want to fire is defined as part of the MKMapViewDelegate protocol.The easiest way to get this wired is to:

  • 使您的UIViewController成为您的MKMapView的委托

  • make your UIViewController the delegate for you MKMapView

  • 用代码表示,例如在viewDidLoad中,您可以在MapViewController.m中执行mapview.delegate = self,或者
  • 在Interface Builder中,您可以将连接从MKMapView委托属性拖动到文件的所有者
  • in code, say in your viewDidLoad, of your MapViewController.m you could do mapview.delegate = self, OR
  • in Interface Builder, you could drag the connection from the the MKMapView delegate property to the file's owner


then, define a method on your UIViewController called mapView:didSelectAnnotationView, declaring it just like the protocol does, in your MapViewController.m file:

- (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView didSelectAnnotationView:(MKAnnotationView *)view {
    // whatever you need to do to your annotation and/or map



08-04 02:14