


I've ran into an issue I'm hoping someone can help me solve. I've run into a case where my nodes contain a set of child nodes with visibility set to false. I'm hoping that I can disable the toggle arrow beside the TreeViewItem if all it's children are invisibile. Is this possible? Here's an example:

<TreeView Margin="10,10,0,13" Name="TreeView1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="194" Height="200">
    <TreeViewItem Header="Cold Drinks">
        <TreeViewItem Header="Coke" Visibility="False"></TreeViewItem>
        <TreeViewItem Header="Pepsi" Visibility="False"></TreeViewItem>


How would i get the Cold Drinks TreeViewItem to hide the toggle arrow?


如果你看到的TreeViewItem的deafult ControlTemplate中,你会看到切换按钮能见度势必ItemsControl.HasItems。触发这个样子的 -

If you see the deafult controlTemplate of TreeViewItem, you will see that visibility of Toggle button is bound to ItemsControl.HasItems. Trigger look like this -

<Trigger Property="ItemsControl.HasItems">
  <Setter TargetName="Expander" Property="UIElement.Visibility" Value="{x:Static Visibility.Hidden}" />


So, as a workaround, you can create your own Custom Control derived from TabItem and bind your HasItems with your own CLR property which will loop through all your childItems(TreeViewItems) and will return True if any of the Item is visible or False if all items are hidden/collapsed state. That way your toggle button will automatically will hide as per Trigger.

如果你想知道如何创建自定义的控制,并将其绑定到CLR属性,你可以参考这 -

In case you want to know how to create Custom control and bind it to your CLR property, you can refer to this -


This is somewhat same what you has been looking for. Hope this helps..


09-27 14:48