本文介绍了Windows 10上具有Android模拟器的钛合金的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在Windows 10上遇到钛合金的巨大问题.我正在使用Atom编辑器来编写我的应用程序.每当执行ti build时,最多输入10( !!! )次命令,直到找到Android设备为止.对于Android模拟器,我收到如下错误消息:

I'm having huge problems with Titanium Alloy on Windows 10. I am using the Atom editor to write my apps. Whenever I execute ti build, enter the command up to 10(!!!) times until an Android device can be found.For the Android emulator I get an error message as follows:

    [Error] Failed to install apk on "emulator-5554"
    [Error] Error: device not found

我尝试了命令ti build -p androidti build -p android -T emulatorti build -p android -T emulator -C emulator-5554 --log-level info.我还尝试从avd.exe手动启动仿真器.我也删除了AVD并创建了一个新的

I tried the commands ti build -p android, ti build -p android -T emulator and ti build -p android -T emulator -C emulator-5554 --log-level info. I also tried starting the emulator manually from avd.exe. I deleted the AVD and created a new one, too

连接设备(已启用 USB调试)时,我尝试了ti build -p android -T deviceti build -p android -T device -C XT1032,其中XT1032是设备的名称.我收到如下错误消息:

When a device (USB debugging enabled) is connected, i tried ti build -p android -T device and ti build -p android -T device -C XT1032, where XT1032 is the name of the device. I get an error message as follows:

    [ERROR] Unable to find any devices


I didn't try so far if the device will be found after some more tries.
When executing the commands, I tried all 4 combinations:

  • 模拟器关闭,设备已断开连接
  • 模拟器关闭,设备已连接
  • 模拟器已打开,设备已断开连接
  • 模拟器已打开,设备已连接

我卸载了TitaniumAndroid SDKNodeJSJava,并删除了它们的所有文件夹.我也删除了所有注册表项.然后,我再次安装了所有内容,最后是Titanium.同样的问题.
我正在使用Java 32位( v8.0.1020.14 ),NodeJS v4.2.6 (也尝试过 v6 .3.0 ,但建议使用 v4.2.x ),Android SDK(SDK Tools v25.1.7 SDK Platform-tools 24.0. 1 SDK Build-tools 21.1.2 .我也尝试了SDK Build-tools 24.0.1 ,但建议使用 21.xx )和Titanium(SDK v6.0.0.v20160719180254 CLI v5.0.9 ).

I uninstalled Titanium, Android SDK, NodeJS and Java and deleted all folders of them. I removed all registry entries, too. Then I installed everything again, Titanium at last. Same problem.
I am using Java 32 bit (v8.0.1020.14), NodeJS v4.2.6 (also tried v6.3.0, but v4.2.x is recommend), Android SDK (SDK Tools v25.1.7, SDK Platform-tools 24.0.1 and SDK Build-tools 21.1.2. I also tried SDK Build-tools 24.0.1, but 21.x.x is recommend) and Titanium (SDK v6.0.0.v20160719180254, CLIv5.0.9).

C:\android-sdk\tools;C:\android-sdk\platform-tools;C:\android-sdk\ndk-bundle;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk<version>\bin
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk<version>
C:\android-sdk我必须设置 ANDROID_SDK_HOME C:\android-sdk\ndk-bundle,否则ti setup check找不到NDK和AVD.

I modified my environment variables as follows:
C:\android-sdk\tools;C:\android-sdk\platform-tools;C:\android-sdk\ndk-bundle;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk<version>\bin
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk<version>
C:\android-sdkI had to set ANDROID_SDK_HOME and C:\android-sdk\ndk-bundle, otherwise the NDK and the AVDs wouldn't be found by ti setup check.

以下是ti setup check的屏幕截图:链接到图像我不知道为什么 https://www.google.com 无法访问.此外,已安装Intel HAXM .我什至没有重新安装它.以前安装的Titanium可以找到它...

Here is a screenshot of ti setup check: link to imageI don't know why https://www.google.com is unreachable. Furthermore, Intel HAXM is installed. I even reinstalled it without success. The previous installation of Titanium could find it...




构建APK文件后,该过程终止.如果仿真器正在运行,则可以手动安装APK.在Command Line中使用此命令:

The process terminates after building the APK file. If the emulator is running, it is possible to manually install the APK. Use this command in the Command Line:

    <Android SDK folder>\platform-tools\adb.exe -s emulator-5554 install -r -d <project path>\<project folder>\build\android\bin\<project name>.apk


The project name is equal to the project folder name. After installing the APK, the application can be started manually in the emulator.

尽管如此,在Windows 10上进行开发时仍然存在很多问题...我认为这迫使我切换到MAC.

Nonetheless, there are still a lot of issues when developping on Windows 10... I think this forces me to switch to a MAC.

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08-24 17:03