我在Windows 10上遇到钛合金的巨大问题.我正在使用Atom编辑器来编写我的应用程序.每当执行ti build
时,最多输入10( !!! )次命令,直到找到Android设备为止.对于Android模拟器,我收到如下错误消息:
I'm having huge problems with Titanium Alloy on Windows 10. I am using the Atom editor to write my apps. Whenever I execute ti build
, enter the command up to 10(!!!) times until an Android device can be found.For the Android emulator I get an error message as follows:
[Error] Failed to install apk on "emulator-5554"
[Error] Error: device not found
我尝试了命令ti build -p android
,ti build -p android -T emulator
和ti build -p android -T emulator -C emulator-5554 --log-level info
I tried the commands ti build -p android
, ti build -p android -T emulator
and ti build -p android -T emulator -C emulator-5554 --log-level info
. I also tried starting the emulator manually from avd.exe
. I deleted the AVD
and created a new one, too
连接设备(已启用 USB调试)时,我尝试了ti build -p android -T device
和ti build -p android -T device -C XT1032
When a device (USB debugging enabled) is connected, i tried ti build -p android -T device
and ti build -p android -T device -C XT1032
, where XT1032
is the name of the device. I get an error message as follows:
[ERROR] Unable to find any devices
I didn't try so far if the device will be found after some more tries.
When executing the commands, I tried all 4 combinations:
- 模拟器关闭,设备已断开连接
- 模拟器关闭,设备已连接
- 模拟器已打开,设备已断开连接
- 模拟器已打开,设备已连接
,Android SDK
32位( v8.0.1020.14 ),NodeJS
v4.2.6 (也尝试过 v6 .3.0 ,但建议使用 v4.2.x ),Android SDK
(SDK Tools
v25.1.7 ,SDK Platform-tools
24.0. 1 和SDK Build-tools
21.1.2 .我也尝试了SDK Build-tools
24.0.1 ,但建议使用 21.xx )和Titanium
v6.0.0.v20160719180254 ,CLI
v5.0.9 ).
I uninstalled Titanium
, Android SDK
, NodeJS
and Java
and deleted all folders of them. I removed all registry entries, too. Then I installed everything again, Titanium
at last. Same problem.
I am using Java
32 bit (v8.0.1020.14), NodeJS
v4.2.6 (also tried v6.3.0, but v4.2.x is recommend), Android SDK
(SDK Tools
v25.1.7, SDK Platform-tools
24.0.1 and SDK Build-tools
21.1.2. I also tried SDK Build-tools
24.0.1, but 21.x.x is recommend) and Titanium
v6.0.0.v20160719180254, CLI
路径: C:\android-sdk\tools;C:\android-sdk\platform-tools;C:\android-sdk\ndk-bundle;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk<version>\bin
JAVA_HOME: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk<version>
ANDROID_SDK_HOME: C:\android-sdk
我必须设置 ANDROID_SDK_HOME 和C:\android-sdk\ndk-bundle
,否则ti setup check
I modified my environment variables as follows:
PATH:C:\android-sdk\tools;C:\android-sdk\platform-tools;C:\android-sdk\ndk-bundle;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk<version>\bin
JAVA_HOME:C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk<version>
I had to set ANDROID_SDK_HOME and C:\android-sdk\ndk-bundle
, otherwise the NDK and the AVDs wouldn't be found by ti setup check
以下是ti setup check
的屏幕截图:链接到图像我不知道为什么 https://www.google.com 无法访问.此外,已安装Intel HAXM
Here is a screenshot of ti setup check
: link to imageI don't know why https://www.google.com is unreachable. Furthermore, Intel HAXM
is installed. I even reinstalled it without success. The previous installation of Titanium
could find it...
.在Command Line
The process terminates after building the APK
file. If the emulator is running, it is possible to manually install the APK
. Use this command in the Command Line
<Android SDK folder>\platform-tools\adb.exe -s emulator-5554 install -r -d <project path>\<project folder>\build\android\bin\<project name>.apk
The project name is equal to the project folder name. After installing the APK
, the application can be started manually in the emulator.
尽管如此,在Windows 10上进行开发时仍然存在很多问题...我认为这迫使我切换到MAC.
Nonetheless, there are still a lot of issues when developping on Windows 10... I think this forces me to switch to a MAC.
这篇关于Windows 10上具有Android模拟器的钛合金的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!