本文介绍了Powershell 新项目:如何自动接受确认的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试使用 powershell 脚本在网络驱动器上创建一个新目录,但它一直提示我

I'm trying to create a new directory on a network drive using a powershell script but it keeps prompting me



Is there a way to override this so it doesn't ask me since I'm running this script from a web interface.


New-Item $rollbackDirectory -type Directory -Force

它做同样的事情,有或没有 -Force 参数

It does the same thing, with or without the -Force parameter


I've also tried this format with no luck

New-Item -name $rollbackName -itemtype directory -path $rollbackdrive -Debug -Force


-confirm 仅当您希望 cmdlet 提示您确认时才需要指定.cmdlet 本身是否会提示确认取决于 cmdlet 的开发人员,他们可以根据其效果为 cmdlet 设置高、中、低.根据 $ConfirmPreference 的值,您将自动获得 cmdlet 的确认.$ConfirmPreference 的默认值为高,New-Item 的级别设置为中等.因此,如果 New-Item 提示确认,则 $ConfirmPreference 值必须已更改为中或低.

-confirm need only be specified when you want the cmdlet to prompt you for confirmation. Whether the cmdlet by itself would prompt for confirmation or not depends on the developer of the cmdlet who can set a high, medium, low for the cmdlet based on its effect. Based on the value of $ConfirmPreference you will get the confirmation automatically for a cmdlet. The default value for $ConfirmPreference is high and the level set for New-Item is medium. So if the New-Item is prompting for confirmation, the $ConfirmPreference value must have been changed to medium or low.

使用 $ConfirmPreference="high" 甚至 $ConfirmPreference="none" 更改它以使 New-Item 不提示,或您的 -confirm:$false 解决方案也可以通过覆盖 $ConfirmPreference 来工作.

Change it using $ConfirmPreference="high" or even $ConfirmPreference="none" to make New-Item not prompt, or your solution of -confirm:$false works as well by overriding the $ConfirmPreference.



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05-22 23:05