

使用是有可能从的任何地方确定当前执行上下文?即,如果一个区域绑定函数调用它调用另一个函数的setTimeout(myFn)我可以从内部 myFn确定当前执行上下文()?如果有,请提供如何做一个简单的例子。

With zone.js is it possible to determine the current execution context from anywhere? Ie., if a zone-bound function calls another function which calls setTimeout(myFn) can I determine the current execution context from within myFn()? If so, please provide a simple example of how to do so.


每次叉() A ,访问内的区的情况下将始终返回分叉

Every time you fork() a zone, accessing the zone object within that zone's context will always return the forked zone.

var b = function() { console.log('-->',zone) }; 
var a = function() { setTimeout(b,5); }; 
zone.fork().run(function() { zone.x = 'hi'; a(); }); 
setTimeout(function() { console.log('==>', zone); }, 1);
setTimeout(function() { console.log('==>', zone); }, 10);


Here's what happens when you paste it into the console:


10-10 01:24