我正在尝试将 nHibernate、Spring 和 WCF 结合使用.我有一个 Order
对象,它包含一个 Customer
I'm trying to use nHibernate, Spring and WCF together. I've got an Order
object, and that contains a Customer
我可以在我的服务上调用 WCF 方法 findOrder
,并且提供 Order
的 Customer
字段没有 DataMember
注解,Web Service 返回我想要的Order
.正如预期的那样,它不包含 Customer
I can call a WCF method findOrder
on my service, and providing the Order
's Customer
field does not have a DataMember
annotation, the Web Service returns the Order
I wanted. It does not contain the Customer
details though, as expected.
但是当我也尝试包含 Customer
时,WebService 失败,查看 WCF 跟踪日志,我可以看到此错误:
But when I try to include the Customer
as well, the WebService fails, and looking in the WCF trace logs, I can see this error:
System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException:使用数据合同名称键入DecoratorAopProxy_95d4cb390f7a48b28eb6d7404306a23d"'DecoratorAopProxy_95d4cb390f7a48b28eb6d7404306a23d:http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/'不是预期的.考虑使用 DataContractResolver 或添加任何静态未知的类型到已知类型的列表 - 例如,通过使用 KnownTypeAttribute 属性或将它们添加到传递给 DataContractSerializer 的已知类型列表
很确定这是因为 Customer 包含额外的 nHibernate 详细信息,但我不明白为什么 WCF 会很乐意发送 Order
而不是 Customer
Pretty sure this is because the Customer contains extra nHibernate details, but I don't understand why WCF would be happy to send the Order
, but not the Customer
public class Order
// Standard properties
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual Enums.OrderStatus Status { get; set; }
[StringLength(20, ErrorMessage = "Order name must not be more than 20 characters long")]
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual Customer Customer { get; set; }
public class Customer
public virtual int CustomerId { get; set; }
private string name = "";
您应该使用数据传输对象 (DTO) 通过网络获取数据.无论如何,这是一个很好的做法,因为您不想让域模型泄漏到(或流出)应用程序的边界.
You should use a data transfer objects (DTO) to get your data over the wire. This is good practice anyway as you do not want to let your domain model leak into (and out of) the boundaries of your application.
考虑诸如域模型中的每一次更改都会导致数据契约的更改,从而产生新的 wsdl
Think about things like every change in your domain model results in a change of your data contract, resulting in a new wsdl
, resulting in a change on the client. In addition you are telling the consumer of your service too many insights of your aplication.
尽管有这些建筑bla bla.NHibernate 使用代理来启用延迟加载,这些代理的类型不同于序列化程序所期望的类型.您可以为您的域禁用延迟加载以使应用程序正常工作.恕我直言,这是个坏主意.
Despite all this architectural bla bla. NHibernate uses proxies to enable lazy loading, those proxies are of another type than you serializer expects. You can disable lazy loading for your domain to get the application working. This is imho a bad idea.
<class name="Customer" table="tzCustomer" lazy="false" >
这篇关于无法为 WCF Web 服务序列化嵌套的 nHibernate 实体的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!