

我正在使用 Odoo 13 并尝试在 res.partner 的帮助下以编程方式创建客户,但无法创建客户.联系正在创造,但作为个人而不是客户.但是在 Odoo 12 中有一个二进制字段 customer 可以将其他联系人与客户区分开来,但它在 Odoo 13 中不存在.任何建议或更好的想法和任何帮助?

I am using Odoo 13 and trying to create customer programmatically with the help of res.partner but unable to create customer. Contact is creating but as a individual not as a customer. But in Odoo 12 there is a binary field customer which differentiate other contacts from customer but it is not present in Odoo 13.Any suggestion or better idea and any help ?


这些字段在 V13 中被完全删除.使用模块/应用程序 account 将创建两个新字段:customer_ranksupplier_rank,它们将尝试表示两种情况下的排名.当从客户菜单或从供应商菜单创建supplier_rank 时,Odoo 将创建时的排名设置为 1customer_rank 上.

The fields were removed completely in V13. With module/app account two new fields will be created: customer_rank and supplier_rank, which will try to representate ranks for both situations. Odoo is setting the rank on creation to 1 on customer_rank when creating from customer menu or supplier_rank from supplier menu.

我建议接受这个巨大的变化,或者制作一个自定义模块,它可以返回 customersupplier 布尔字段.

I suggest to just live with this big change or make a custom module which is getting back customer and supplier boolean fields.


05-27 11:53