


I'm trying to count the frequency of a specific value in every column.


Basically, I am looking at how different bacterial isolates (represented by each row) respond to treatment with different antibiotics (represented each column). "1" means the isolate is resistant to the antibiotic, while "0" means the isolate is susceptible to the antibiotic.

antibiotic1 <- c(1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, NA, 0, 1)
antibiotic2 <- c(0, 0, NA, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
antibiotic3 <- c(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, NA, 1, 0, 0)

ab <- data.frame(antibiotic1, antibiotic2, antibiotic3)

       antibiotic1 antibiotic2 antibiotic3
1           1           0           0
2           1           0           1
3           0          NA           1
4           1           0           0
5           0           1           0
6           1           1          NA
7          NA           0           1
8           0           0           0
9           1           0           0

所以看第一行,分离株 1 对抗生素 1 耐药,对抗生素 2 敏感,对抗生素 3 敏感.

So looking at the first row, isolate 1 is resistant to antibiotic 1, sensitive to antibiotic 2, and sensitive to antibiotic 3.

我想计算对每种抗生素耐药的分离株百分比.即,将每列中1"的数量相加,然后除以每列中的分离株数量(不包括分母中的 NA).

I want to calculate the % of isolates resistant to each antibiotic. i.e. sum the number of "1"s in each column and divide by the number of isolates in each column (excluding NAs from my denominator).


apply(ab, 2, count)

   x   freq
1  0    3
2  1    5
3 NA    1

   x freq
1  0    6
2  1    2
3 NA    1

   x freq
1  0    5
2  1    3
3 NA    1


But my actual dataset contains many different antibiotics and hundreds of isolates, so I want to be able to run a function across all columns at the same time to yield a dataframe.


counts <- ldply(ab, function(x) sum(x=="1")/(sum(x=="1") +  sum(x=="0")))

但这会产生 NA:

          .id V1
1 antibiotic1 NA
2 antibiotic2 NA
3 antibiotic3 NA


ab %>%
 summarise_each(n = n())) %>%
 mutate(prop.resis = n/sum(n))


but get an error message that reads:

Error in n() : This function should not be called directly



我会使用 colMeans

colMeans(ab, na.rm = TRUE)
# antibiotic1 antibiotic2 antibiotic3
#       0.625       0.250       0.375

作为旁注,这可以很容易地推广到计算任何数字的频率.例如,如果您正在寻找所有列中数字 2 的频率,您可以简单地修改为 colMeans(ab == 2, na.rm = TRUE)

As a side note, this can be easily generalized to calculate the frequency of any number. If, for instance, you were looking for the frequency of the number 2 in all columns, you could simply modify to colMeans(ab == 2, na.rm = TRUE)


Or similarly, just (this avoids to matrix conversion with a trade off with by column evaluation)

sapply(ab, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
# antibiotic1 antibiotic2 antibiotic3
#       0.625       0.250       0.375


09-05 17:54