本文介绍了MySQL Integer 0 vs NULL的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



When using integer columns is it better to have 0 or NULL to indicate no value. For example, if a table had a parent_id field and a particular entry had no parent, would you use 0 or NULL. I have in the past always used 0, this is because I come from a Java world where (prior to 1.5) integers always had to have a value. I am asking mainly in relation to performance, I am not too worried about which is the "more correct" option.


NULL 是更好的,因为两个原因:

Using NULL is preferable, for two reasons:

  1. NULL 用于表示该字段没有值,这正是您想要建模的。

  2. 如果您决定添加一些参照完整性约束未来,您将不得不使用 NULL

  1. NULL is used to mean that the field has no value, which is exactly what you're trying to model.
  2. If you decide to add some referential integrity constraints in the future, you will have to use NULL.

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08-04 02:46