


I'm receiving the following error when trying to manually increase the number of instances above 10 on an Azure Scale set.


The default number of instances is 3 and any number up to 10 works as expected. The subscription has plenty of available cores.


Looking at the referenced load balancer in Azure portal, I cannot see any settings that are obviously linked to this error message. The LB has a setting 'SKU' that has a value of 'Basic' which i guess may be an issue? (although reading up on this would indicate the limit there is 100)


There are no google results for the code 'InboundNatPoolFrontendPortRangeSmallerThanRequestedPorts' and searching for parts of the error message didn't give any meaningful results.



请记住,如果您有过多的配置,您将获得的虚拟机数量将超出您的要求(文档此处).因此,您需要有足够的NAT规则来容纳额外的VM.NAT规则的数量永远不应超过VM的2倍(因此,如果您的VM max为10,则池中的NAT规则绝对不应超过20).

Keep in mind that if you have overprovisioning on, you will temporarily get more VMs than you asked for (documentation here). So you'll need to have enough NAT rules to accomidate the extra VMs. You should never need more than 2 times as many NAT rules as VMs (so if your VM max is 10, you should never need more than 20 NAT rules in the pool).


10-24 09:34