


I'm currently trying to send UDP messages over the internet and have to set up the firewalls for both endpoints A and B (which are both behind a NAT). To do this, I want to use hole punching using a STUN server.

当A向STUN服务器创建请求时(例如,私有:,公共:,我得到85.1.1.12:6000作为响应.如果我要将数据包从相同的原始配置(用于STUN请求的原始IP和端口)发送到任何其他目标地址(目标端口保持不变),那么我的NAT将再次更改公用端口( (从6000到其他).我发现对两个不同的STUN服务器请求使用相同的地址端口配置(两个请求都使用端口19302).

When A creates a request to the STUN server (say, private: and public: I get as a response. If I were to send a packet from the same origin configuration (same origin ip and port that were used for the STUN-request) to any other destination address (the destination port stays the same) then my NAT would change the public port again (from 6000 to anything else). I found out by using the same address-port configuration for two different STUN server requests (using port 19302 for both requests).


Like this, I have no possibility of knowing what port my NAT does the translation when sending a packet to B (B can't receive anything because its firewall is not set up).


Is this because my NAT type is not compatible for hole punching or did I get the concept wrong?


推荐答案不是您的私有IP地址.它是您NAT的公共/外部IP:端口.专用IP是您的PC/设备的接口地址. is not your private IP address. Its your NAT's public/external IP:Port. Private IP is your PC/Device's interface address.


From your scenario I am guessing you have a symmetric NAT. In Symmetric NAT, your NAT's public port changes every time you send some packets to a different destination. If your destination remains same then the NAT's public IP:Port also remains same.


For other types of NAT if your private IP doesn't change then it doesn't matter where you send your packets, your NATs public IP:port (in your case will remain same.

如果一侧具有**对称NAT,而另一侧具有对称/PRC NAT,则无法进行孔打孔.

Hole punching is not possible if one side has **Symmetric NAT and other side has Symmetric/PRC NAT.


**By Symmetric NAT I mean Symmetric NAT which gives random port allocation.


10-14 21:35