

LDD3 的示例中,将access_ok()放在内核模块的ioctl方法的开头,以检查从用户空间传递的指针是否有效.当用户空间应用程序调用ioctl()系统调用并将变量的地址传递给它时,它是正确的.但是,在某些情况下,内核模块中的ioctl()系统调用会使用值而不是指针作为第三个参数,最后是access_ok()的第二个参数来调用.

In LDD3's example, access_ok() is placed at the beginning of ioctl method of a kernel module to check whether a pointer passed from userspace is valid. It is correct when userspace application calls ioctl() system call, and passes it an address of a variable. In some cases, however, ioctl() system call is invoked with a value instead of a pointer as third argument and finally the second argument of access_ok() in kernel module.


I've tried to pass an integer as access_ok()'s second argument and it works fine. No error was reported. But I don't very sure that is this usage correct?

例如,如果我在用户空间中调用ioctl()并将其第三个参数设为'3'.然后,在struct file_operationsioctl()方法中,access_ok()将收到3作为第二个参数.因为access_ok()需要一个指针,所以它将3转换为用户空间指针.显然,这是错误的...

For example, if I invoke ioctl() in userspace with it's third argument to be '3'. Then, in ioctl() method of struct file_operations, access_ok() will receive 3 as it's second argument. Because the access_ok() expects a pointer, so it translates 3 to be a userspace pointer. Obversely, it's wrong...



Actually, access_ok's check is rough. Description of the function (in the source file) say:

例如,根据来源arch/x86/include/asm/uaccess.h,在x86 access_ok上仅检查给定的地址指向 lower 区域(因为内核除了在上部区域之外).因此,对于等于3的地址,它返回true.

E.g., according to source arch/x86/include/asm/uaccess.h, on x86 access_ok just checks that given address points to the lower area (because kernel besides in the upper area). So, it returns true for address equal to 3.


It is copy_from_user/copy_to_user who return a final verdict about user memory accessibility.


10-10 08:59