


We are working on a project its nature is somewhat ride sharing , I read about PCI Compliance i know we have to be PCI Compliance if we are dealing with credit card or payment i am a little ambiguous do we store our drivers bank info like Account number(encrypted) , Account title etc in database , i have read about


Who must be PCI compliant?"If you accept credit cards from your customers, then you must be PCI compliant" reference


so if we store only bank account numbers not credit cardwe must have to be PCI compliance.


您不必遵循PCI,因为您已经指出,您不处理信用卡信息. PCI DSS是支付卡行业数据安全标准的标准,仅管理信用卡数据. ACH/银行帐户信息显然不属于他们的权限.

You do not have to be PCI compliant as, you already have pointed out, that you do not handle credit card information. PCI DSS, which standards for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, only governs credit card data. ACH/Bank account information clearly does not fall under their purview.


However, there are rules around ACH/Bank account data governed by NACHA. You do fall under their scope and must obey their standards. So, essentially, there are a set of standards similar to PCI that must follow. So if you were hoping to avoid scrutiny and regulation you are out of luck.


You also may be governed by the laws of where your data is stored as well as where you operate. You would need to speak to a lawyer to get more information about that.


07-18 09:19