


I am writing a Java Utility to generate output files using freemarker template. I have a List of objects that I write into a file using freemarker. E.g. My java object is an employee having fName, lName and age. I am using following code snippet to generate the output file:

<#list employees as e>
Fname: ${e.fName} Lname: ${e.lName} Age: ${e.age}


Now, I am using a custom template exception handler that handle exceptions in case fName, lName OR age is missing from the employee object.

configuration.setTemplateExceptionHandler(new FreemarkerExceptionHandler());


I want to read the employee object that is throwing the exception in the FreemarkerExceptionHandler class, but am unable to read it. I am using the following code to read the list of employees, but am getting all the employees, rather than one specific employee that lead to this error.

TemplateHashModel templateHashModel = environment.getDataModel();

TemplateModel templateModel = templateHashModel.get("employees");
List<Employee> emps = simpleSequence.toList();


Can anyone please confirm if this is feasible in freemarker to catch the object that lead to exception.


据我所知,没有简单的方法可以做到这一点.我的想法是扩展DefaultObjectWrapper(假设您正在使用它-参见Configuration.getObjectWrapper),因此当通过TemplateHashModel.get(String)获取子变量(如fNameo)时,您可以在覆盖中捕获super.get(String)引发的任何异常的TemplateHashModel.get,然后抛出您自己的TemplateException子类实例,您将父对象放在该实例中,并为此添加了一个字段. (而且您可能还想将原始异常添加为异常的原因异常.)

There's no simple way to do that as far as I see. My idea is extending DefaultObjectWrapper (assuming you are using that - see Configuration.getObjectWrapper), so when the subvariable (like fNameo) is get via TemplateHashModel.get(String), you can catch any exceptions throw by super.get(String) in your override of TemplateHashModel.get, and then throw your own TemplateException subclass instance, into which you put the parent object in a field you have added for that. (And also you probably want to add the original exception as the cause exception of your exception.)


10-10 21:01