

我想将一页的值传递给第二页,但在第一页上,我想在linkbutton上显示show popup for login。我正在使用listview

//第一页上的mycode linkbuttn在列表视图中

  protected   void  LstvwProSubCat_ItemCommand(对象发​​件人,ListViewCommandEventArgs e)

if (ProfileID == 0
// MessageBox.Show(查看首先需要登录的产品标题);

if (e.CommandName == ProSubCategary

string [] args = e.CommandArgument.ToString()。Split( new char [] {' ,'});
int pgid = Convert.ToInt32(args [ 0 ]);
int pcid = Convert.ToInt32(args [ 1 ]);
int psdid = Convert.ToInt32(args [ 2 ]);
Server.Transfer( product_title.aspx?pgid =' + pgid + '& pcid =' + pcid + '& psdid =' + psdid + ');



 受保护  void  BtnATLogin_Command( object  sender,CommandEventArgs e)
if (e。 CommandName == 登录
string [] args = e.CommandArgument.ToString()。Split( new char [] {' ,'});
int pgid = Convert.ToInt32(args [ 0 ]);
int pcid = Convert.ToInt32(args [ 1 ]);
int psdid = Convert.ToInt32(args [ 2 ]);
Server.Transfer( product_title.aspx?pgid =' + pgid + '& pcid =' + pcid + '& psdid =' + psdid + ');


string val1 = Request.QueryString [ 0 ];
string val2 = Request.QueryString [ 1 ];
string val3 = Request.QueryString [ 2 ];


I want to pass values of one page to 2nd but on 1st page i want show popup for login on linkbutton. i am using listview

//mycode on 1st page linkbuttn in listview

protected void LstvwProSubCat_ItemCommand(object sender, ListViewCommandEventArgs e)

        if (ProfileID == 0)
            //MessageBox.Show("To View Product Title You Need To Login First");

            if (e.CommandName == "ProSubCategary")

                string[] args = e.CommandArgument.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' });
                int pgid = Convert.ToInt32(args[0]);
                int pcid = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]);
                int psdid = Convert.ToInt32(args[2]);
                Server.Transfer("product_title.aspx?pgid='" + pgid + "' & pcid='" + pcid + "'&psdid='" + psdid + "'");


//code for popup

protected void BtnATLogin_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
        if (e.CommandName == "Login")
            string[] args = e.CommandArgument.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' });
            int pgid = Convert.ToInt32(args[0]);
            int pcid = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]);
            int psdid = Convert.ToInt32(args[2]);
            Server.Transfer("product_title.aspx?pgid='" + pgid + "' & pcid='" + pcid + "'&psdid='" + psdid + "'");

//next page

string val1 = Request.QueryString[0];
        string val2 = Request.QueryString[1];
        string val3 = Request.QueryString[2];


10-28 19:35