Title is pretty self explanatory. I'm almost sure that the end result wouldn't be a matrix as each line would have a different number of columns, so it's more like a array of arrays of variable sizes. It would also be interesting to sort the fragments by size, biggest first. This is what I've tried so far:
int main() {
char str[MAXLEN], **fragmentsList;
int number_of_strings, i, max, k;
printf("Enter .txt file name: ");
scanf("%s", str);
printf("How many strings does the file has? ");
scanf("%d", &number_of_strings);
FILE *arq;
arq = fopen(str, "r");
for (i = 0, max = 0; !feof(arq); i++) {
while (fscanf("%c") != '\n') {
if (max > k) {
k = max;
fragmentsList = malloc(k * sizeof(char));
*fragmentsList = malloc(number_of_strings * sizeof(char));
arq = fopen(str, "r");
for (i = 0; !feof(arq); i++) {
fscanf(arq, "%s", fragmentList[i]);
for (i = 0; i < number_of_strings; i++) {
printf("%s", fragmentList[i]);
return 0;
The reading an unknown number of lines from a file into memory in C is a basic necessity. There are a couple of way to approach it, but the standard practice is to:
(文件中各行的char **
declare a
pointer to pointer to type
for lines in a file) to allow you to collect and reference each line after read into memory;
首先分配一些合理预期的指针,以避免重复调用 realloc
为每行单独分配指针(最初分配 8、16、32,..
allocate some reasonably anticipated number of pointers to begin with to avoid repeated calls to realloc
allocating pointers for each line individually (initially allocating 8, 16, 32, ..
all work fine);
declare a variable to track the number of lines read, and increment for each line;
将文件的每一行读入缓冲区(POSIX getline
read each line of the file into a buffer (POSIX getline
works particularly well because it itself will dynamically allocate sufficient storage to handle any line length -- freeing you from reading with a fixed buffer and having to allocate for and accumulate partial-lines until the end of the line is reached)
为每行分配存储,将行复制到新存储,然后将起始地址分配给下一个指针, strdup
allocate storage for each line, copy the line to the new storage, and assign the beginning address to your next pointer, strdup
does both for you, but since it allocates, make sure you validate it succeeds;
当索引达到当前分配的指针数时, realloc
个指针(通常是将指针数加倍,或者将数字增加 3/2
when your index reaches your current number of allocated pointers, realloc
more pointers (generally by doubling the number, or increasing the number by 3/2
-- the rate if increase isn't particularly important -- what is important is insuring you always have a valid pointer to assign the new block of memory holding your line to); and
repeat until the file is completely read.
重新分配内存时需要注意一些细微之处.首先绝对不要直接 realloc
There are a few subtleties to be aware of when reallocating memory. First never realloc
directly to to pointer being reallocated, e.g. do not do:
mypointer = realloc (mypointer, current_size * 2);
如果 realloc
失败,则返回 NULL
;如果您将返回值分配给原始指针,则使用 NULL 造成内存泄漏.相反,在将新的内存块分配给原始指针之前,请始终使用临时指针并验证
fails, it returns NULL
and if you are assigning the return to your original pointer, you overwrite the address to your current data with NULL
creating a memory leak. Instead, always use a temporary pointer and validate realloc
succeeds before assigning the new block of memory to your original pointer, e.g.
if (filled_pointers == allocated pointers) {
void *tmp = realloc (mypointer, current_size * 2);
if (tmp == NULL) {
perror ("realloc-mypointer");
break; /* or use goto to jump out of your read loop,
* preserving access to your current data in
* the original pointer.
mypointer = tmp;
current_size *= 2;
的示例中将各个片段放在一起,您可以执行以下操作.(注意:代码希望文件名作为程序的第一个参数读取,如果没有给出参数,则默认情况下程序将从 stdin
Putting the pieces altogether in an example using
, you can do something like the following. (note: the code expects the filename to read from as the 1st argument to your program, if no argument is given the program will read from stdin
by default)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define NPTR 8 /* initial number of pointers (must be > 0) */
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
size_t ndx = 0, /* line index */
nptrs = NPTR, /* initial number of pointers */
n = 0; /* line alloc size (0, getline decides) */
ssize_t nchr = 0; /* return (no. of chars read by getline) */
char *line = NULL, /* buffer to read each line */
**lines = NULL; /* pointer to pointer to each line */
FILE *fp = argc > 1 ? fopen (argv[1], "r") : stdin;
if (!fp) { /* validate file open for reading */
fprintf (stderr, "error: file open failed '%s'.\n", argv[1]);
return 1;
/* allocate/validate initial 'nptrs' pointers */
if (!(lines = calloc (nptrs, sizeof *lines))) {
perror ("calloc - lines");
return 1;
/* read each line with POSIX getline */
while ((nchr = getline (&line, &n, fp)) != -1) {
if (nchr && line[nchr - 1] == '\n') /* check trailing '\n' */
line[--nchr] = 0; /* overwrite with nul-char */
char *buf = strdup (line); /* allocate/copy line */
if (!buf) { /* strdup allocates, so validate */
perror ("strdup-line");
lines[ndx++] = buf; /* assign start address for buf to lines */
if (ndx == nptrs) { /* if pointer limit reached, realloc */
/* always realloc to temporary pointer, to validate success */
void *tmp = realloc (lines, sizeof *lines * nptrs * 2);
if (!tmp) { /* if realloc fails, bail with lines intact */
perror ("realloc - lines");
break; /* don't exit, lines holds current lines */
lines = tmp; /* assign reallocted block to lines */
/* zero all new memory (optional) */
memset (lines + nptrs, 0, nptrs * sizeof *lines);
nptrs *= 2; /* increment number of allocated pointers */
free (line); /* free memory allocated by getline */
if (fp != stdin) fclose (fp); /* close file if not stdin */
for (size_t i = 0; i < ndx; i++) {
printf ("line[%3zu] : %s\n", i, lines[i]);
free (lines[i]); /* free memory for each line */
free (lines); /* free pointers */
return 0;
或 strdup
Look things over and let me know if you have further questions. If you do not have
or strdup
available, let me know and I'm happy to help further with an implementation that will provide their behavior.