


I have a set of csv files that are very simple to load into Stata using the -insheet- command. But they have very uninformative variable names. For each of these files, I also have a file of metadata consisting of two columns: the original (uninformative) variable names, and a description of what the variables actually mean. I'd like to use these metadata files to create variable labels, preferably without going through and typing up all the separate label commands or turning the metadata file into a dictionary for each file. It seems like there must be a quick way of loading the metadata file into Stata and looping through it to generate the label commands, but I don't know what it is. Any thoughts?



Ideally each line of the metadata is something like

varname1more interesting description

varname1 "more interesting description"


in which case you can prefix each line with

label var

然后运行该文件,就像它是一个do-文件使用 do 。请参阅标签的帮助。这在一个相当不错的文本编辑器中很容易,例如搜索每行的开始,并替换为 label var (注意需要空格)。

and then run the file as if it were a do-file using do. See the help for label. That is easy in a decent text editor, as for example searching for the start of each line and replacing it with label var (note the need for the space).


What could bite here includes:

  1. 有双引号作为分隔符,在这种情况下,您需要插入它们。

  1. You don't have double quotes " " as delimiters, in which case you need to insert them.


The extra information does not qualify as a variable label because it is more than 80 characters long. See help limits.

这与Stata。你可以写一个程序读取元数据,并使用 file 写出一个do文件,但如果这是我的问题,我会达到我的文本编辑器。 (最有经验的Stata程序员使用别的东西以及 doedit 。)

There are other ways to do this with Stata. You could write a program to read in the metadata and write out a do-file using file, but if this were my problem I would reach first for my text editor. (Most experienced Stata programmers use something else as well as doedit.)


09-05 11:53