我是一名机械工程研究生,我的顾问刚要我为我们的一个传感器项目编写数据可视化工具。由于是夏天,他希望我可以带上一些乐趣,所以我认为这将是学习科学计算语言的好时机,所以我继续前进,并投入到F#中。由于我是功能性编程范式的新手,我在正确构建程序时遇到了一些困难,尤其是考虑到可以轻松地将FO中的OO / FP组合起来。我的任务如下:
- 我们有数十个传感器不断报告数据(每隔几秒钟一次)。
- 我需要同时连接所有传感器,创建每个传感器输出的内存时间序列,然后实时计算这些时间序列的各种统计数据。
- 每隔几个小时我需要将数据刷新到二进制文件中进行记录。
在这个问题上我可能完全错了,这不是对你的问题的回答,所以请按照意愿投票给我,但是我的'感觉'来自于我的'感觉'对F#的兴趣刚刚超过一年,在科学/技术环境中使用F#有很多经验(我知道 异常 b
$ b
这可能是微软将他们的努力集中在金融界的F#推广上 - 相当不幸的是回顾过去的时机!
这并不意味着你不会为你的具体问题得到很好的答案,你只是不可能得到哦,是的,我上周做了类似的事情,小心这个p roblem等等。
另外,您是否知道 F#中的度量单位?非常有趣的功能与技术相关的任何事情。
I'm a mechanical engineering grad student and my adviser has just asked me to write a data visualization utility for one of our sensor projects. As it's summer and he wants me to have some fun with it, I thought this would be a great time to learn a language adept at scientific computing, so I went ahead and plowed right into F#.
As I'm new to the functional programming paradigm I'm having a little difficulty structuring my program properly, especially given the possibility of easily combining OO/FP in F#. My task is the following:
- We have dozens of sensors constantly reporting data (once every few seconds).
- I need to connect to all sensors simultaneously, create an in-memory timeseries of each sensor's output, and then calculate in real time various statistics on these timeseries.
- Every few hours I need to flush the data into a binary file for logging purposes.
How should I be designing my application? I've thought about something like this:1. I was planning on connecting to each sensor to start receiving data and then dump this data onto a message queue.2. I'd have an event-driven processing function receives data on the queue. When data is received, it is determined which sensor the data came from, and then the data is placed into the timeseries object of the corresponding sensor.3. Every time a sensor data timeseries object is added to, I could fire an Event and have my statistics functions crunch new data for the sensor.
Obviously I need to maintain some kind of state in this application. So I'd add the following mutable data structures. I would use a generic .NET resizable List for storing my timeseries data and implement a new derivative to fire on data add events. I could store the mappings between sensorid and the actual timeseries container in a Dictionary (when data is popped off the queue, I can read the sensorid field, grab the timeseries container for that sensorid, and then easily add new data). I could also have a second dictionary to store mappings between sensorid and the various timeseries containing statistics for that sensorid timeseries). When a main sensor timeseries is added to, it fires an event to call all of the statistics functions to run themselves on the new data and store their information in the appropriate dictionary for that sensorid.
I haven't thought about how to save the data much yet, but I figured I could just write out binary files with the data.
Any advice, ideas, or references are appreciated.
Thanks :)
I may be totally wrong on this, and it isn't an answer to your question, so vote me down at will, but my 'feeling' from just over a year's interest in F# is that there aren't that many people out there (or 'in here') with much experience using F# in scientific/technical environments (I know of one exception).
It may be that Microsoft focused their efforts on F# outreach to the financial community - rather unfortunate timing in retrospect!
Which doesn't mean that you won't get good answers for your specific question, you just aren't likely to get a "oh yeah, I did something like that last week, watch out for this problem" etc...
As an aside, are you aware of units of measure in F#? Very interesting feature for anything technical-related.
这篇关于你如何在F#中解决这个问题? (高频传感器数据)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!