


I have defined the following data type:

data Probability a = PD { mass :: [(a, Ratio Int)] }

现在我想写出它是一个 Functor的实例

Now I want to write that it is an instance of Functor:

collect :: (Eq a, Num b) => [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
collect al = map collect' keys where
    keys = nub $ map fst al
    collect' k = (k, sum (map snd (matches k)))
    matches k = filter ((==) k . fst) al

instance (Eq a) => Functor (Probability a) where
    fmap f p = PD (collect $ map (first f) (mass p))


However, I get the following error:

Kind mis-match
The first argument of `Functor' should have kind `* -> *',
but `Probability a' has kind `*'
In the instance declaration for `Functor (Probability a)'

如何添加必要的 Eq a 约束? (我正在使用GHC 7.4.1)

How can I add the necessary Eq a constraint? (I'm using GHC 7.4.1)


可悲的是,你不能这么做 - Functor 实例必须接受任何类型的映射函数而不受限制。

Sadly, you can't do that—Functor instances must accept any kind of mapping function without restriction.


You can kind of fake it, though.

newtype PF a = PF { unPF :: forall r . Eq r => (a -> r) -> Probability r }

instance Functor PF where
  fmap f (PF p) = PF (\mp -> p (mp . f))

这里,映射到 Probability 的所有函数都被延迟由 PF 。在可能的情况下,我们通过降低回到 Probability 中来一次性运行它们。

Here, all of the functions that would be mapped over Probability have been "deferred" by PF. We run them all at once by "lowering" back into Probability when possible

lowerPF :: Eq a => PF a -> Probability a
lowerPF pf = unPF pf id

为了将一个 Probability 转换为 fmappable PF ,我们必须提升它

And in order to convert a Probability into a fmappable PF we must "lift" it

liftPF :: Probability a -> PF a
liftPF p = PF $ \mp -> PD (collect $ map (first mp) (mass p))


08-22 19:37