本文介绍了通过在彼此内部嵌套子查询来解决 MySQL 中的 61 个表 JOIN 限制的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我发现您可以通过使用子查询来绕过 MySQL 中 61 个表连接的限制.https://stackoverflow.com/a/20134402/2843690

I figured out that you can get around the 61 table join limit in MySQL by using subqueries.https://stackoverflow.com/a/20134402/2843690

我正在尝试弄清楚如何轻松在我正在开发的程序中使用它以从 Magento 获取详细的产品列表(但我认为这个问题的答案可能适用于涉及eav的很多情况).需要连接的表如下所示:

I'm trying to figure out how to easily use this in a program I'm working on to get a detailed product list from Magento (but I think the answer to this question could apply to a lot of situations where eav is involved). The tables that need to be joined look something like this:

| entity_id | entity_type_id |
|         1 |              4 |
|         2 |              4 |
|         3 |              4 |
|         4 |              4 |
|         5 |              4 |
|         6 |              4 |
|         7 |              4 |
|         8 |              4 |
|         9 |              4 |

| value_id | entity_type_id | attribute_id | entity_id | value |
|        1 |              4 |            2 |         1 |   245 |
|        2 |              4 |            3 |         1 |   250 |
|        3 |              4 |            4 |         1 |   254 |
|        4 |              4 |            2 |         2 |   245 |
|        5 |              4 |            3 |         2 |   249 |
|        6 |              4 |            4 |         2 |   253 |
|        7 |              4 |            2 |         3 |   247 |
|        8 |              4 |            3 |         3 |   250 |
|        9 |              4 |            4 |         3 |   254 |

| attribute_id | entity_type_id | attribute_code | backend_type |
|            1 |              4 | name           | varchar      |
|            2 |              4 | brand          | int          |
|            3 |              4 | color          | int          |
|            4 |              4 | size           | int          |
|            5 |              4 | price          | decimal      |
|            6 |              4 | cost           | decimal      |
|            7 |              4 | created_at     | datetime     |
|            8 |              3 | name           | varchar      |
|            9 |              3 | description    | text         |

| option_id | attribute_id |
|       245 |            2 |
|       246 |            2 |
|       247 |            2 |
|       248 |            3 |
|       249 |            3 |
|       250 |            3 |
|       251 |            4 |
|       252 |            4 |
|       253 |            4 |
|       254 |            4 |

| value_id | option_id |       value       |
|       15 |       245 | Fruit of the Loom |
|       16 |       246 | Hanes             |
|       17 |       247 | Jockey            |
|       18 |       248 | White             |
|       19 |       249 | Black             |
|       20 |       250 | Gray              |
|       21 |       251 | Small             |
|       22 |       252 | Medium            |
|       23 |       253 | Large             |
|       24 |       254 | Extra Large       |

我正在编写的程序生成的 sql 查询如下所示:

The program that I'm writing generated sql queries that looked something like this:

SELECT cpe.entity_id
, brand_int.value as brand_int, brand.value as brand
, color_int.value as color_int, color.value as color
, size_int.value as size_int, size.value as size

FROM catalog_product_entity as cpe

LEFT JOIN catalog_product_entity_int as brand_int
ON (cpe.entity_id = brand_int.entity_id
AND brand_int.attribute_id = 2)
LEFT JOIN eav_attribute_option as brand_option
ON (brand_option.attribute_id = 2
AND brand_int.value = brand_option.option_id)
LEFT JOIN eav_attribute_option_value as brand
ON (brand_option.option_id = brand.option_id)

LEFT JOIN catalog_product_entity_int as color_int
ON (cpe.entity_id = color_int.entity_id
AND color_int.attribute_id = 3)
LEFT JOIN eav_attribute_option as color_option
ON (color_option.attribute_id = 3
AND color_int.value = color_option.option_id)
LEFT JOIN eav_attribute_option_value as color
ON (color_option.option_id = color.option_id)

LEFT JOIN catalog_product_entity_int as size_int
ON (cpe.entity_id = size_int.entity_id
AND size_int.attribute_id = 4)
LEFT JOIN eav_attribute_option as size_option
ON (size_option.attribute_id = 4
AND size_int.value = size_option.option_id)
LEFT JOIN eav_attribute_option_value as size
ON (size_option.option_id = size.option_id)

编写生成查询的代码相对容易,查询也相当容易理解;然而,很容易达到 61 个表连接限制,我用我的真实数据做到了这一点.我相信数学上说 21 个整数类型属性会超过限制,那是在我什至开始添加 varchar、文本和小数属性之前.

It was relatively easy to write the code to generate the query, and the query was fairly easy to understand; however, it's pretty easy to hit the 61 table join limit, which I did with my real-life data. I believe the math says 21 integer-type attributes would go over the limit, and that is before I even start adding varchar, text, and decimal attributes.

所以我想出的解决方案是使用子查询来克服 61 个表的限制.

So the solution I came up with was to use subqueries to overcome the 61 table limit.

一种方法是将连接分组为 61 个连接的子查询.然后所有组都将加入.我想我可以弄清楚 sql 查询应该是什么样子,但是编写代码来生成查询似乎很困难.还有一个(尽管是理论上的)问题,如果有足够的属性,可能会再次违反 61 个表的限制.换句话说,如果我有 62 组 61 个表,就会出现 MySQL 错误.显然,可以通过将组分组为 61 来解决这个问题.但这只会使代码更难以编写和理解.

One way to do it is to group the joins in subqueries of 61 joins. And then all of the groups would be joined. I think I can figure out what the sql queries should look like, but it seems difficult to write the code to generate the queries. There is a further (albeit theoretical) problem in that one could again violate the 61 table limit if there were enough attributes. In other words, if I have 62 groups of 61 tables, there will be a MySQL error. Obviously, one could get around this by then grouping the groups of groups into 61. But that just makes the code even more difficult to write and understand.

我认为我想要的解决方案是在子查询中嵌套子查询,这样每个子查询都使用 2 个表(或一个表和一个子查询)的单个连接.直观地说,为这种查询编写代码似乎更容易.不幸的是,考虑这些查询应该是什么样子让我很受伤.这就是我需要帮助的原因.

I think the solution I want is to nest subqueries within subqueries such that each subquery is using a single join of 2 tables (or one table and one subquery). Intuitively, it seems like the code would be easier to write for this kind of query. Unfortunately, thinking about what these queries should look like is making my brain hurt. That's why I need help.

这样的 MySQL 查询会是什么样子?

What would such a MySQL query look like?


您说得对,通过 EAV 设计连接太多属性很可能会超出连接限制.甚至在此之前,连接可能存在实际限制,因为如此多连接的成本在几何上变得越来越高.这有多糟糕取决于您的服务器的容量,但它可能比 61 低很多.

You're right that joining too many attributes through an EAV design is likely to exceed the limit of joins. Even before that, there's probably a practical limit of joins because the cost of so many joins gets higher and higher geometrically. How bad this is depends on your server's capacity, but it's likely to be quite a bit lower than 61.

因此,查询 EAV 数据模型以产生结果就像它存储在传统关系模型中一样(每个属性一列)是有问题的.

So querying an EAV data model to produce a result as if it were stored in a conventional relational model (one column per attribute) is problematic.

解决方案:不要对每个属性进行连接,这意味着您不能期望纯粹使用 SQL 以传统的每实体行格式生成结果.

Solution: don't do it with a join per attribute, which means you can't expect to produce the result in a conventional row-per-entity format purely with SQL.

我对 Magento 架构不是很熟悉,但我可以从您的查询中推断出这样的事情可能会起作用:

I'm not intimately familiar with the Magento schema, but I can infer from your query that something like this might work:

SELECT cpe.entity_id
, o.value AS option
, v.value AS option_value
FROM catalog_product_entity AS cpe
INNER JOIN catalog_product_entity_int AS i
  ON cpe.entity_id = i.entity_id AND i.attribute_id IN (2,3,4)
INNER JOIN eav_attribute_option AS o
  ON i.value = o.option_id AND i.attribute_id = o.attribute_id
INNER JOIN eav_attribute_option_value AS v
  ON v.option_id = o.option_id;

IN(2,3,4,...) 谓词用于指定多个属性.无需添加更多连接即可获得更多属性.它们只是作为行而不是列返回.

The IN(2,3,4,...) predicate is where you specify multiple attributes. There's no need to add more joins to get more attributes. They're simply returned as rows rather than columns.


This means you have to write application code to fetch all the rows of this result set and map them into fields of a single object.

来自@Axel 的评论,听起来 Magento 提供了辅助函数来执行此消耗结果集并将其映射到对象中.

From comments by @Axel, is sounds like Magento provides helper functions to do this consuming of a result set and mapping it into an object.

这篇关于通过在彼此内部嵌套子查询来解决 MySQL 中的 61 个表 JOIN 限制的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-03 22:53