

我有一个将数据从一个textarea传递到另一个页面上的另一个textarea的问题。我使用PHP POST函数来从第一页中检索数据。另外,在JSON和PHP与MySQL数据库交谈的帮助下,我有JavaScript将数据插入第一页的textarea。

I have a problem of passing data from one textarea to another textarea on another page. I’m using php POST function in order to retrieve data from the first page. Also, I have JavaScript inserting data into the textarea on the first page with the help of JSON and PHP talking to MySQL database. Inserting data into textarea from the database on the first page works.


When I click on the submit button on the first page, no data is passed to the second page. Many thanks for your help.

Page 1
<form action="page2.php" method="post" id="role" name="roleForm">
<fieldset id="fieldset">
<legend id="legend">Background</legend>
  <label for="background"></label>
  <textarea name="background" cols="71" rows="10" id="backgroundtext">
<p><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Add role to job description" id="addjobdesc" /></p>

JavaScript file (part of the file)
function set_background (newValue)
    var field = document.roleForm.backgroundtext;
    field.value = newValue;

<fieldset id="fieldset">
<legend id="legend">Background</legend>
  <label for="background2"></label>
  <textarea name="background2" cols="71" rows="10" id="backgroundtext2" value="<?php echo $_POST["background"]; ?>"/>



You have to write the content of the textarea BETWEEN the tags, not into a value attribute:

<textarea name="background2" cols="71" rows="10" id="backgroundtext2">
<?php echo $_POST["background"]; ?></textarea>

请注意,此代码极度不安全!如果$ _POST [background]包含HTML,它将压低你的html代码等。

Be aware that this code is extremly unsafe! If the $_POST["background"] contains HTML it will be brake down your html-code etc.


08-01 08:05