在Joomla 1.5中使用WYSIWYG编辑器创建网站内容时,我无法自由插入HTML标记,例如IFRAME,因为在保存文章时将自动删除HTML标记.我可以配置Joomla使其不使用所见即所得的编辑器,这会使编辑文章有些麻烦,或者我可以使用MySQL Query Browser强制HTML代码进入文章,并直接在网站的数据库中更改文章的内容.这样做不仅麻烦,而且效率低下,因为每次有人从Joomla后端WYSIWYG编辑器编辑文章时,插入的标签都会被编辑器再次删除.
When using a WYSIWYG editor in Joomla 1.5 to create website content I am not able to freely insert HTML tags, such as IFRAME as the HTML tags will be automatically removed on saving the article. I can either configure Joomla not to use a WYSIWYG editor which makes editing articles a bit of a pain, or I can force the HTML code into the article using MySQL Query Browser and altering the article content directly in the site's database. Doing this is not only cumbersome but also ineffective, because every time someone edits the article from the Joomla back end WYSIWYG editor, the inserted tags will be removed by the editor again.
是否可以在不关闭WYSIWYG编辑器或不使用数据库的情况下将IFRAME(或JavaScript)插入Joomla 1.5文章中?
Is there a way of inserting an IFRAME (or perhaps JavaScript) into a Joomla 1.5 article, without turning off the WYSIWYG editor or hacking away at the database?
简短答案:否. Joomla最了解:P
Short answer: no. Joomla knows best :P
But seriously, you can turn off the WYSIWYG for just your user. Go to the 'User Manager', select your account, and set the 'User Editor' preference to be 'Editor - No Editor'. That way you can type in whatever tags and code you want, without WYSIWYG borkage. But every other account on the site will still have access to their WYSIWYG's.
Doesn't take too long to toggle the WYWIWYG that way when you need to do a bit of precise HTML/Javascript/etc coding.
这篇关于使用WYSIWYG编辑器时,Joomla 1.5文章中的某些HTML标签(例如IFRAME)和Javascript将自动删除的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!