我会强烈考虑一个纯python解决方案(我会选择wxpython), 但是如果我需要编写后端代码用较低级别语言的东西我会用b而不是C ++来表示。 I''d strongly consider a pure python solution (I''d choose wxpython),but if I needed to code backend stuff in a lower level language I''duse C rather than C++. 我会强烈考虑一个纯python解决方案(我会选择wxpython), 但是如果我需要编写后端代码我会用较低级别的语言来使用C而不是C ++。 I''d strongly consider a pure python solution (I''d choose wxpython),but if I needed to code backend stuff in a lower level language I''duse C rather than C++. 我们希望它非常强大,而python并不是最快的语言,或者是开销最低的语言:) Well we want it to be very robust, and python isn''t exactly thefastest language, or one with the lowest overhead :) 这篇关于桌面环境中的Python的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 11-02 22:58