尝试将 JSON 数据展平为从 API 响应生成的 Pandas 数据帧.
Trying to flattened JSON data in to pandas dataframe generated from API response.
在下面的代码中,我使用 Json_normlize 将原始 json 数据展平到不同的列
In below code, i flattened raw json data in to different columns using Json_normlize
raw_json = json_normalize(data["data"],sep="_")
Pages 包含 col1 & 中提到的 JSON 数据col2.Using apply(pd.Series),将页面数据拆分为 2 个不同的列,名为 col1 &col2
Pages contains JSON data mentioned in col1 & col2.Using apply(pd.Series), split pages data in to 2 different columns named col1 & col2
现在,我需要帮助从 col1 & 中提取(id、choice_id、row_id、simple_text & 标题)col2.
Now, I need help in extracting (id, choice_id,row_id,simple_text & heading) from col1 & col2.
'id': '124550266',
'questions': [
'id': '471362125',
'answers': [
'tag_data': [
'hexcolor': '671E75',
'label': 'sm_processed_q',
'tag_type': 'sentiment'
'hexcolor': '671E75',
'label': 'sm_processed_q',
'tag_type': 'sentiment'
'simple_text': '9999999999'
'family': 'open_ended',
'subtype': 'single',
'heading': 'Please confirm your registered number with us'
'id': '471362121',
'answers': [
'choice_id': '3114700230',
'row_id': '3114700224',
'simple_text': '5'
'family': 'matrix',
'subtype': 'rating',
'heading': 'How likely is it that you would recommend xxxxx to a friend or colleague?'
'id': '124550267',
'questions': [
'id': '471362124',
'answers': [
'choice_id': '3114700246',
'row_id': '3114700251'
'choice_id': '3114700247',
'row_id': '3114700254'
'choice_id': '3114700248',
'row_id': '3114700255'
'choice_id': '3114700248',
'row_id': '3114700257'
'choice_id': '3114700249',
'row_id': '3114700259'
'family': 'matrix',
'subtype': 'rating',
'heading': 'Dear customer how much would you rate us)'
'id': '471362122',
'answers': [
'tag_data': [
'hexcolor': '05467E',
'label': 'sm_positive',
'tag_type': 'sentiment'
'simple_text': 'More variety should be addwd'
'family': 'open_ended',
'subtype': 'essay',
'heading': 'Dear Customer,<br>Kindly help us, by providing your valuable suggestions or feedback'
试试这个,d1 和 d2 是你上面发布的字典:
Try this, d1 and d2 are the dicts you posted above:
df1 = pd.json_normalize(d1,
record_path=['questions', 'answers'],
meta=[['id'], ['questions', 'heading']],
df2 = pd.json_normalize(d2,
record_path=['questions', 'answers'],
meta=[['id'], ['questions', 'heading']],
simple_text choice_id row_id toplevel.id toplevel.questions.heading
0 9999999999 NaN NaN 124550266 Please confirm your registered number with us
1 5 3114700230 3114700224 124550266 How likely is it that you would recommend xxxx...
choice_id row_id simple_text toplevel.id toplevel.questions.heading
0 3114700246 3114700251 NaN 124550267 Dear customer how much would you rate us)
1 3114700247 3114700254 NaN 124550267 Dear customer how much would you rate us)
2 3114700248 3114700255 NaN 124550267 Dear customer how much would you rate us)
3 3114700248 3114700257 NaN 124550267 Dear customer how much would you rate us)
4 3114700249 3114700259 NaN 124550267 Dear customer how much would you rate us)
5 NaN NaN More variety should be addwd 124550267 Dear Customer,<br>Kindly help us, by providing...
这篇关于使用 json_normalize 将嵌套的 JSON 转换为 Dataframe的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!