


Getting this error when submitting the form associated with this view. Not sure what exactly is the problem, considering I have a form with a very similar structure and it works fine.

class Facture_Creer(SuccessMessageMixin, CreateView):
    model = Facture
    template_name = "facturation/nouvelle_facture.html"
    form_class= FormulaireFacture

    # permet de retourner a l'URL pointant vers le membre modifie
    def get_success_url(self):
        return reverse_lazy('facture_consulter',kwargs={'pk': self.get_object().id})

class Facture_Update(SuccessMessageMixin, UpdateView):
    model = Facture
    template_name = "facturation/nouvelle_facture.html"
    form_class= FormulaireFacture
    success_message = "Facture mise à jour avec succes"

    # permet de retourner a l'URL pointant vers le membre modifie
    def get_success_url(self):
        return reverse_lazy('facture_consulter',kwargs={'pk': self.get_object().id})

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^$', TemplateView.as_view(template_name="facturation/index.html")),
    url(r'^facture/$', FactureView.as_view()),
    url(r'^facture/(?P<id>\d+)', FactureView.as_view(), name='facture_consulter'),
    url(r'^facture/ajouter/$', Facture_Creer.as_view(), name='facture_creer'),
    url(r'^facture/modifier/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', Facture_Update.as_view(), name='facture_update'),
    url(r'^membre/ajouter/$', Membre_Creer.as_view(), name='membre_creer'),
    url(r'^membre/modifier/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', Membre_Update.as_view(), name='membre_update'),
    #url(r'membre/(?P<pk>\d+)/supprimer/$', Membre_Supp.as_view(), name='membre_delete')

urlpatterns += staticfiles_urlpatterns()



You need to pass an object identifier (pk or slug) so your views know which object they're operating on.

仅需t从您的 urls.py 中举个例子:

Just to take an example from your urls.py:

url(r'^facture/ajouter/$', Facture_Creer.as_view(), name='facture_creer'),
url(r'^facture/modifier/(?P<pk>\d+)/$', Facture_Update.as_view(), name='facture_update'),

查看第二个如何具有(?P< pk> \d +)/ ?那是将pk传递给UpdateView,以便它知道要使用哪个对象。因此,如果转到 facture / modifier / 5 / ,则UpdateView将修改pk为5的对象。

See how the second one has (?P<pk>\d+)/? That is passing a pk to the UpdateView so it knows which object to use. Thus if you go to facture/modifier/5/, then the UpdateView will modify object with pk of 5.

如果您不想在网址中传递pk或slug,则需要覆盖 get_object 方法并以另一种方式获取对象。网址。

If you don't want to pass a pk or slug in your url, you'll need to override the get_object method and get your object another way. Url here.


10-30 03:25