


This was a bug I found in a server application using Valgrind.

struct Foo
    Foo(const std::string& a)
        : a_(a_)
    const std::string& a_;

使用gcc -Wall,您不会收到警告.为什么这样的法律法规?

with gcc -Wall you don't get a warning.Why is this legal code?


所违反的内容 8.3.2/4 A ...引用应初始化为引用有效的对象或函数.因此,这绝对是非法的.

What you've got violates 8.3.2/4 A ... reference shall be initialized to refer to a valid object or function. So it is most certainly illegal.


Note that not all erroneous programs are required to be detected by the compiler, although I honestly would have thought this was one of them.

值得一提的是,启用最大编译器警告的g ++版本4.4.1可以愉快地接受该程序,而不会发出警告:

For what it's worth, g++ version 4.4.1 with maximal compiler warnings turned on happily accepts this program without a warning either:

int main(void)
    int *p = 0;
    *p = 5;


09-18 18:44